2012-09-26 Incubation Call

2012-09-26 Incubation Call

Meetings are monthly every third Wednesday of the month at 11:30 AM Eastern time.
Conference call is handled by Calliflower: Dial in Number: +1 218 936 6581  click here for more call-in numbers

To access the conference call, click here.

Attending: Susan, Tim, Benito, Cris
Absent: Steve, Tuy, Patty

New Business

Patty asks for better word than graduation.  How about promotion?

Ongoing Business

Incubation for new organization

Next steps after conference discussions.  See Patty's notes attached: Incubation BOF061312.docx

Patty will pull together and lead the new committee to establish process for new organization.  This hasn't started yet.

Recruit one more person for this committee.  Cris will troll Unicon for possibilities.  Will approach Robert (Bob) Long.

New Incubation Proposals

Candidate ProposalINC-52Benten Susan Bramhall12/Sep/12voted to accept and recommended to the board
question about where source and docs are located and whether english language is required.  Code in git hub jasig org allows other jasig folks to step in to cover change in assignments
Candidate ProposalINC-51Internationalization CoP Susan Bramhall12/Sep/12voted to accept and recommended to the boardmaybe can help with language question for incubation

Incubator Status Sept 2012

NameAssigneeProject LeadStatus and Comments
Confluence Portlet and Plugin Benito J. Gonzalez James KionkaQuick update mid-August that has other assignments now.  Not on portal team.  Need to solicit broader community.  It is in use at U of Illinois.
Notification Portlet: A portlet for providing notification for upcoming tasks or events.. Benito J. Gonzalez Andrew Wills (Deactivated)A Jasig project (FSP?) adopting it and also another school has adopted.
Courses PortletBenito J. GonzalezJennifer BoureyNo response
Content Management Portlet Cris Holdorph Misagh MoayyedCris will follow up
Spring Portlet MVC JSR-168 Archetype Cris Holdorph Charles FrankCris will reach out.  If no community then can be unsponsored contribution.  He has made good efforts so we are still hopeful.
Exchange Mail and Calendar Portlet Cris Holdorph Charles FrankCris will reach out.  If no community then can be unsponsored contribution.  He has made good efforts so we are still hopeful.
Sakai connector Steve Swinsburg Steve SwinsburgReady. Not many adopters (or contributors) yet but there are some using it that just haven't put their hand up on list (they emailed me). Easy code to maintain.
Basic LTI Portlet Steve Swinsburg Steve SwinsburgReady. Not many adopters (or contributors) yet but there are some using it that just haven't put their hand up on list (they emailed me). Easy code to maintain.
Widget Portlets Steve Swinsburg Jennifer BoureyContacted Jen for update.
Contacts PortletSteve SwinsburgAnthony ColebourneContacted Anthony to get legal sorted.
OpenRegistry Susan Bramhall Benn OshrinGroup is reviewing the items at  OpenRegistry Planning Group Agenda Items and started biweekly calls.

Student Success Plan

Susan BramhallRuss Littleemail query 9/20
Classifieds Portlettim carrollGary Maxwellwaiting for ccla, have icla
Deployer Portlet tim carroll Andy Ghernarecommended to board to move to unsponsored contribution
ThinkSpace tim carroll Pete BoysenNo new news - steering to a Sakai product perhaps instead - limbo
Scheduling Assistant Tuyhang Ly Nicholas Blair 
People Soft HR Integration Portlets Tuyhang Ly Eric Dalquist 
EsupTwitter Tuyhang LyVincent Bonamy 

Incubator Status Aug 2012

IDNameAssigneeProject LeadStatus and Comments
INC-28Confluence Portlet and Plugin Benito J. Gonzalez James KionkaNo recent updates.  TIM TO DOTim touch base with him.
INC-42Notification Portlet: A portlet for providing notification for upcoming tasks or events.. Benito J. Gonzalez Andrew Wills (Deactivated)Sinclair Community College wants to adopt it for their portal and for integrating with the new Jasig SSP solution they're incubating. --Drew
INC-46Courses PortletBenito J. GonzalezJennifer BoureyNo recent updates
INC-15Content Management Portlet Cris Holdorph Misagh Moayyed 
INC-26Spring Portlet MVC JSR-168 Archetype Cris Holdorph Charles Frank 
INC-7Functional Tests Portlet Cris Holdorph Eric DalquistRecommended to board this be removed from incubation and become unsponsored contribution.
INC-38Exchange Mail and Calendar Portlet Cris Holdorph Charles Frank 
INC-23Sakai connector Steve Swinsburg Steve Swinsburgready to release?  Adopted by more than one place?  Contributors from more than one?  Or commitment from institution to maintain?SUSANFollow up on email thread
INC-40Basic LTI Portlet Steve Swinsburg Steve Swinsburgready to release?  Adopted by more than one place?  Contributors from more than one?  Or commitment from institution to maintain?SUSANFollow up on email thread
INC-17Widget Portlets Steve Swinsburg Jennifer BoureyNo recent updates. I've been out of action so will check in with Jen.
INC-49Contacts PortletSteve SwinsburgAnthony ColebourneAll infrastructure is in place. Need to review code for legal.
INC-9OpenRegistry Susan Bramhall Benn Oshrin

There is definite momentum and a plan for getting OR out of incubation. See OpenRegistry Planning Group


Student Success Plan

Susan BramhallRuss Little 

SUSANFollow up on email threadSusan needs to get official status

INC-36uMobile, A Native Mobile App for uPortal Susan Bramhall Jennifer Bourey


INC-47Classifieds Portlettim carrollGary MaxwellWaiting on recent status update...
INC-22Deployer Portlet tim carroll Andy Gherna

Andy recommends terminating this or transitioning it to someone else. It's useful to the U of I implementation, but he doesn't have time to evolve it to something better and more
maintainable (Spring PortletMVC).  Change to unsponsored / community portlet and let portlet-dev and portlet user lists know.

INC-35ThinkSpace tim carroll Pete Boysen

Pete presented Sakai OAE to the faculty. It is a different way of looking at learning which Pete likes, but it is more a British than American approach and a harder to sell. The underlying software (Sling) is cool but he is worried about current performance problems and has questions about Sling adoption rate. Their Faculty are pursuing an NSF grant option that would be funded by several industries. It would provide the needed support for development on a longer-term basis. At present Pete is in a holding pattern maintaining the system; however, they do have users at other institutions (Clemson, UPenn) and interest from as far away as Australia. They have secured additional part-time developer. Not much Apereo can do at the moment.

INC-37Scheduling Assistant Tuyhang Ly Nicholas BlairNo changes.  Still no other adopters.
INC-41People Soft HR Integration Portlets Tuyhang Ly Eric DalquistNo changes. 
INC-50EsupTwitter Tuyhang LyVincent Bonamy