2008-10-06 Incubation UnConf08

2008-10-06 Incubation UnConf08

Incubation discussion

2pm @ JASIG UnConference Monday

The incubation working group (IWG) is the JA-SIG committee charged with overseeing process and activities related to bringing software projects and contributions into the JA-SIG organization.  The initial group membership was appointed by the board.  This group will solidify the process and manage the incubation steps for portlets and other candidate projects currently interested.  We expect to hold elections for ongoing committee membership in the future.  (A year?)

Current IWG members: Susan Bramhall (chair), Benn Oshrin, Tim Carroll, Parker Grimes, Cris Holdorph, Jonathan Markow (voting?)

This meeting included IWG members  Susan Bramhall (chair), Benn Oshrin, Tim Carroll, Jonathan Markow

Absent members: Parker Grimes, Cris Holdorph

Guests: Drew Wills, Andrew Petro, Scott Battaglia


  • Pre-incubation, do we need more details
  • Licensing and Intellectual Property
  • Get the real portlets waiting in the wings to be officially incubating


Benn has idea for identity registry which he would like to begin within JA-SIG community.  Discussion on previous phone meeting noted that current process does not accommodate this.  Benn updated the wiki page to reflect this case calling it Pre-incubation.  After some discussion, Tim suggested it was really another flavor of incubation.  Subject to further agreement by the IWG we are now including new project launch inside JA-SIG as incubation.  Benn will submit a "formal" request including the items on the checklist in the Incubation Process - old wiki.  The IWG will move quickly to approve.

Discussion returns often to definition of contrib vs sandbox.  This was deferred in an attempt to get through the agenda. (star) Follow up needed

Licensing and Intellectual Property

JA-SIG needs a licensing policy in place that will allow incoming software to be accepted.  A longer term licensing effort is also needed.  Jonathan will propose short term solution at the board meeting on Wed.


There is a sense of urgency regarding the promotion of portlets to official sponsored status.  In order to move this process forward Susan will contact each of the portlet leads and request they submit an application for incubation.  Susan would like to do this in a wiki space for incubation and has requested that. (star) Follow up needed

To do

  • schedule call with all IWG to review status
  • set up wiki space for applications and tracking
  • Benn submit application
  • Susan contact portlet owners
  • define contrib v sandbox