2009-02-12 Call
2009-02-12 Call
Our Conference Line will be B; Press 2 off the voicemail tree.
Conference DN: 203-432-8598 Participants
Yale's conference service cuts off the call after the time is up!
- Adopt the simplified process - at least for now.
- Added a step to provide board notification when incubation request is submitted. The board will be asked on Monday whether notification is sufficient or whether approval should be required. The intention is to make entering the incubation process very easy. Questions about the incubating project can be worked through during incubation.
- The question came up of how Jasig should handle potential duplication of effort such as overlap between Jasig and Kuali development areas. See /wiki/spaces/BOD/pages/103955173.
- Added a step to provide board notification when incubation request is submitted. The board will be asked on Monday whether notification is sufficient or whether approval should be required. The intention is to make entering the incubation process very easy. Questions about the incubating project can be worked through during incubation.
- Look at Benn's jira: INC-9 and determine next steps for that.
- After board meeting the project will be accepted into incubation unless stopped by the board.
- Benn will change committers, liaison and project lead to be appropriate different people.
- If no objection from the board jira will be changed to Incubating project and the incubation list will be invited to comment.
- Respond to Pascal Aubry re his Helpdesk proposal.
- After board meeting the project will be accepted into incubation unless stopped by the board.
- Jira to be created. Who / when to create jira for this?
- If no objection from the board jira will be changed to Incubating project and the incubation list will be invited to comment.
- Respond to the ERP Integration WG about a new request that came up in a call earlier this week: The group would like to pool code, screenshots, documentation, etc. on what they have been doing with Banner integration, as a prelude to defining any collaborative work. What's the process for making that happen?
- ERP Integration WG will work collaboratively on the wiki and will submit a jira requests for incubation for portlets as they see fit.
- Respond to Bill Hughes, from Pearson Education. Bill, formerly with a venture capital firm, expressed interest to the Jasig board in helping surface innovative work to our community. How should he interact with our working group?
- Susan and Bill talked about whether / how to encourage innovation and creativity and possible competing efforts. See ideas from Bill Hughes.
- Look at the portlet jiras next.
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