
Steps to clarify the process

  1. IWG members will each create wiki check list for tracking status of projects assigned to them using Template for check list
  2. Licensing check list cannot be finalized until draft policy is approved by the board.  This will likely be in July or August.
  3. The process wiki page should be updated to reflect that mentors may be a good idea in the long run but for now IWG members will serve as mentors for the projects assigned to them.
  4. Tim is researching use of jira tabs for the checklist but we will use wiki while he researches that function


  1. IWG ideally needs to be able to rely on infrastructure group for service.  For now IWG members will need to set up access to jira, wiki, svn etc. Process wiki needs to be updated to reflect this situation.


  1. Rensselear  will be implementing ESUP help desk application to provide evaluation for use in US.
  2. Parker will be submitting his Banner API for incubation.