OpenRegistry Planning Group

OpenRegistry Planning Group

The OpenRegistry Planning Group is intended to help increase community participation in the OpenRegistry project.


Rutgers is currently the primary developer of OpenRegistry, and is now running the 0.9 release in production. Several other organizations are interested in helping to build out and deploy OpenRegistry.


  1. Enumerate requirements from the community to help form the project roadmap. (While requirements will be considered from any source, priority will be given to requirements from organizations contributing project resources.)
  2. Review existing code and design against these requirements.
  3. Generate a high level project roadmap.
  4. Identify resources for developing the project.
  5. Establish on-going community governance for the project, including any relevant tasks needed to exit incubation. Establish sufficient community to graduate OpenRegistry from Jasig incubation. (See also Incubation Exit Strategy (old).)


Anybody may participate in the planning group. Representatives from organizations seriously considering deploying OR and/or willing to contribute development resources are especially encouraged to apply.

To ensure open participation, all discussions will take place on openregistry-dev. Any conference calls and face to face meetings will be open.


Once a steering committee or other similar entity that meets Incubation requirements has been established, the OpenRegistry Planning Group will be disbanded.