Incubation FAQ

Incubation FAQ

FAQ for proposing a project for incubation and what to expect during incubation

Q.  Why should propose your project to Jasig Incubator?

A. Incubation is the process for bringing projects into the Jasig community for support and governance.  When a project emerges from incubation, it becomes a fully sponsored Jasig project with appropriate governance, documentation, licensing and, most important of all, a community of contributors.  The primary advantage of becoming a Jasig project is the ongoing support from the community that enables the project to be sustained over a long life cycle independent from changing leadership, contributors and direction taken by individual institutions.  Jasig provides infrastructure needed by software projects for collaboration including

  • JIRA for issue tracking,
  • A wiki for documenting installation, configuration and future plans as well as anything else relevant to the project,
  • source code control - subversion or github Jasig project accounts
  • mailing lists.

Q.  How do I initiate the incubation process for a project?

A. Incubation requests are created in JIRA: https://issues.jasig.org/browse/INC.  Click on "Create Candidate Proposal" and fill in all the information on the form.  The incubation committee will review your request at the next monthly meeting.

Q.  What happens once my project is accepted into incubation?

A. As soon as your project is accepted, you should be contacted by a member of the incubation committee or other Jasig contributor who will serve as the project mentor through the incubation period.  The mentor should explain the tasks needed to emerge from incubation as a fully sponsored project.  The requirements and process are also described under Incubation Process - R1.

Q.  How often is incubating project status requested?

A. The incubation committee meets monthly.  New requests are either accepted into incubation, delayed for more information or rejected if the committee does not see the project as a good fit for Jasig.