IWG Elections
We would like to tap one or 2 more nominees. Cris may have already talked to someone. Other recommendations?
- Nominate Cris, Parker, Tim to continue.
- Tuyhang Ly from Rutgers
- Cris will nominate someone he has in mind if they are willing to accept.
Legal compliance
- update IWG members on license status and talk with John Lewis
- Licensing is REQUIRED to get out of incubation
Reviewer steps
- reviewer needs to highlight persons and institution that will need to sign documents (See 2009-05-08 Licensing Requirements Discussion)
- contact owner about converting copyrights to external form, remove from code and change package names to org.jasig
- Susan will create a wiki page for checklist of each project - check list item, comments, status, completion data. Link each jira ticket to the appropriate page
New Proposals and assignments
- Content Management Portlet accepted into incubation and assigned to Cris. Cris will request SVN commit access to sandbox for project lead and a new jira project for issues. Project lead also needs wiki account to create pages under the Portlet space.
Get on "quarterly" review schedule
- proposing monthly meetings, 3rd Tue of each month.
- working meeting to make concrete progress this month on June 30 at noon.
Bedework plan
- Jonathan will work with Gary on a plan for how to emerge from incubation.
- Jira issue needs initial comment / check list status (See Template Incubation Check List)