2012-07-18 Incubation Call

2012-07-18 Incubation Call

Meetings are monthly every third Wednesday of the month at 11:30 AM Eastern time.
Conference call is handled by Calliflower: Dial in Number: +1 218 936 6581  click here for more call-in numbers

To access the conference call, click here.

Attending: Susan, Cris, Tim, Tuy
Absent: Steve, Patty, Benito

Ongoing Business

Incubation for new organization

Next steps after conference discussions.  See Patty's notes attached: Incubation BOF061312.docx

Patty will pull together and lead the new committee to establish process for new organization.  This hasn't started yet.

Recruit one more person for this committee.  TO DOCris will troll Unicon for possibilities.

New Incubation Proposals

Candidate ProposalINC-50


 First submission from ESUP folks since Help desk.  Drew Wills gives positive comments.

accepted and assigned to Tuy. (tick)

Susan contact Steve about Contacts Portlet. (tick)

Incubator Status July 2012

IDNameAssigneeProject LeadStatus and Comments
INC-28Confluence Portlet and Plugin Benito J. Gonzalez James KionkaNo recent updates
INC-42Notification Portlet: A portlet for providing notification for upcoming tasks or events.. Benito J. Gonzalez Andrew Wills (Deactivated)No recent updates
INC-46Courses PortletBenito J. GonzalezJennifer BoureyNo recent updates
INC-15Content Management Portlet Cris Holdorph Misagh MoayyedMay end up being unsponsored or paused in incubation
INC-26Spring Portlet MVC JSR-168 Archetype Cris Holdorph Charles Frankno contact this month
INC-7Functional Tests Portlet Cris Holdorph Eric DalquistTO DO  Recommend to board this be removed from incubation.  Make it unsponsored contribution.
INC-38Exchange Mail and Calendar Portlet Cris Holdorph Charles Frankno contact this month
INC-23Sakai connector Steve Swinsburg Steve SwinsburgReleased to Maven2 repo, ready for review and graduation  TO DO Susan talk email Steve about community infrastructure info and query Jen for opinion and uP steering for willingness to govern
INC-40Basic LTI Portlet Steve Swinsburg Steve SwinsburgReleased to Maven2 repo, ready for review and graduation. TO DO Susan talk email Steve about community infrastructure info and query Jen for opinion and uP steering for willingness to govern
INC-17Widget Portlets Steve Swinsburg Jennifer BoureyThis was assigned to Steve not Tuy so got lost for awhile.
INC-49Contacts PortletSteve SwinsburgAnthony ColebourneJira project has been setup, Confluence space exists, Nexus access exists, in process of movie code (awaiting confirmation on the authoritative branch)
INC-9OpenRegistry Susan Bramhall Benn Oshrin

There is momentum building behind pulling together a plan for getting OR out of incubation, but still not official.


Student Success Plan

Susan BramhallRuss Little 

Still working on the governance model a little but we have enough people interested and willing to participate to have a great team. I think we are in good shape for having incubation tasks done by end of summer.

INC-36uMobile, A Native Mobile App for uPortal Susan Bramhall Jennifer Bourey

No new status.

INC-47Classifieds Portlettim carrollGary Maxwell 
INC-22Deployer Portlet tim carroll Andy Gherna 
INC-35ThinkSpace tim carroll Pete Boysen 
INC-37Scheduling Assistant Tuyhang Ly Nicholas BlairNick hasn't heard back from interested schools in adoption of SA after the conference.
INC-41People Soft HR Integration Portlets Tuyhang Ly Eric DalquistPinged Eric on 7/18.  IM sent 7/18.

Incubator Status June 2012

IDNameAssigneeProject LeadStatus and Comments
INC-28Confluence Portlet and Plugin Benito J. Gonzalez James KionkaJames hopes to get back soon
INC-42Notification Portlet: A portlet for providing notification for upcoming tasks or events.. Benito J. Gonzalez Andrew Wills (Deactivated)Updates pending
INC-46Courses PortletBenito J. GonzalezJennifer BoureyUpdates pending
INC-15Content Management Portlet Cris Holdorph Misagh MoayyedNeed to see if this really needs to graduate? Should this be shelved until adoption process.
INC-26Spring Portlet MVC JSR-168 Archetype Cris Holdorph Charles Frankfollow up pending
INC-7Functional Tests Portlet Cris Holdorph Eric DalquistNeed to see if this really needs to graduate? 
INC-38Exchange Mail and Calendar Portlet Cris Holdorph Charles Frankfollow up pending
INC-23Sakai connector Steve Swinsburg Steve Swinsburgno change - project is active. I think we are almost finished getting everything in order.
INC-40Basic LTI Portlet Steve Swinsburg Steve Swinsburgno change - project is active. I think we are almost finished getting everything in order.
INC-9OpenRegistry Susan Bramhall Benn Oshrin

OR just released 0.9.  There is some momentum building behind pulling together a plan for getting OR out of incubation, but nothing official yet.


Student Success Plan

Susan BramhallRuss LittleActive progress is being made on many fronts.  Every expectation of meeting summer deadline for release of open source version of hte product.  Several sessions at the Jasig / Sakai conference.  IN PROCESS Susan contact Russ to see if he needs help.
INC-36uMobile, A Native Mobile App for uPortal Susan Bramhall Jennifer Bourey

There are a couple schools working on uMobile adoption, but no one in production yet. Adoption at many schools (like Wisconsin) has been largely held up by internal committees, politics, etc. I don't think we have any technical blockers. Hopefully we should have some live implementations by the end of the summer.

INC-47Classifieds Portlettim carrollGary Maxwellscheduled to meet with Gary 6/20.  Have a lot of momentum, team is mature, progress is coming.
INC-22Deployer Portlet tim carroll Andy GhernaNo progress.  May become unsponsored contribution.  Technology may not mesh with uPortal future.
INC-35ThinkSpace tim carroll Pete Boysentalked with Pete at conference. He is considering adopting the sakai product and contributing thinkspace concepts to it.
INC-17Widget Portlets Tuyhang Ly Jennifer BoureyThis is assigned to Steve not Tuy.  Oops.
INC-37Scheduling Assistant Tuyhang Ly Nicholas BlairNick hasn't heard back from interested schools in adoption of SA after the conference.
INC-41People Soft HR Integration Portlets Tuyhang Ly Eric DalquistPinged Eric on 6/12.  He's still working on preparing this project for open source while at the conference.




Released to Maven2 repo, ready for review and possible graduation