2012-04-18 Incubation Call

Meetings are monthly every third Wednesday of the month at 11:30 AM Eastern time.
Conference call is handled by Calliflower: Dial in Number: +1 218 936 6581  click here for more call-in numbers

To access the conference call, click here.

Attending: Susan, Tuy, Benito, Cris, Tim, Patty
Absent: Steve

Web site / Wiki

Need to make process more evident.  Who can update http://www.jasig.org/jasig-project-incubation?  Just do it at conference.  Tim work with Jim to get access set up for the group.  Susan edited this page so it now contains correct list of incubating projects as well as link to process page for those interested in submitting a candidate.


Who will be there and get together for a chat?

Incubation List

Make it open to non-members for posting?  Seems reasonable. Yes.

Incubation responsibilities wrt GIT

The incubation group has access to manage projects in GitHub.  See Git Hosting wiki page.  How do we get permissions to complete tasks when needed?  Give user info to Eric is you haven't done so yet.  DONEEveryone on the committee is now an owner.

Incubation for new organization

/wiki/spaces/INCU/pages/103270248 NO CHANGE  Is it time to get people involved in creating new conference.

Old Business

IDNameDate requestedComments


30/Jan/12I believe this is a duplicate of INC-31 which we decided to make an unsponsored contribution to avoid governance issues.  Obviously Eric is confused by this but hasn't answered my email.  Need closure or readmit to incubation.  DONE Tuy will create JIRA project.

Incubator Status April 2012

IDNameAssigneeProject LeadMarch Status and Comments
INC-28Confluence Portlet and Plugin Benito J. Gonzalez James KionkaJames has been steadily progressing the project. Will need to start focusing on the non-technical parts of the project.
INC-6Bookmarks Portlet Benito J. Gonzalez Eric DalquistDid the board approve graduating this project?  Susan follow up!!!  PROMOTED
INC-42Notification Portlet: A portlet for providing notification for upcoming tasks or events.. Benito J. Gonzalez Landis CasnerWeb Presence? Cris? 
INC-15Content Management Portlet Cris Holdorph Misagh Moayyed 
INC-26Spring Portlet MVC JSR-168 Archetype Cris Holdorph Charles Frank 
INC-7Functional Tests Portlet Cris Holdorph Eric Dalquist 
INC-38Exchange Mail and Calendar Portlet Cris Holdorph Charles Frank 
INC-23Sakai connector Steve Swinsburg Steve Swinsburg

Contacted Jen to get details about moving the code to git. Seems involved. How do people feel about the current code going in with no history? The history will be in our local SVN but it probably isn't much use to anyone.

INC-40Basic LTI Portlet Steve Swinsburg Steve SwinsburgContacted Jen to get details about moving the code to git. Seems involved. How do people feel about the current code going in with no history? The history will be in our local SVN but it probably isn't much use to anyone.
INC-9OpenRegistry Susan Bramhall Benn OshrinOR may be enabled by OSIDM4HE project.  No one can attend the conference but there is some interest.

Student Success Plan

Susan BramhallRuss LittleLots of new leads, new interest, possible new funding.  Agreements and Jasig membership in the works.
INC-36uMobile, A Native Mobile App for uPortal Susan Bramhall Jennifer BoureyStill no production releases but several now in the works.  There may be an announcement before the conference.
INC-22Deployer Portlet tim carroll Andy GhernaNo progress.  Make this part of uPortal admin tools?  Tim will push this forward.
INC-27Xythos Portlet and Plugin tim carroll James KionkaRecommend that we terminate incubation on this and make it into unsponsored contribution. DONE  Susan forward to board.
INC-35ThinkSpace tim carroll Pete BoysenPulling together infrastructure.
INC-17Widget Portlets Tuyhang Ly Jennifer Bourey 
INC-37Scheduling Assistant Tuyhang Ly Nicholas Blair 
INC-41People Soft HR Integration Portlets Tuyhang Ly Eric Dalquist 

Prior Status (2012-3-21)


Student Success Plan

16/Mar/12This is a new project that developed by Sinclair Community College and led by Russ Little.  It has become more successful than they can manage as a product and they have an Educause grant to take it open source.  They would like to graduate from incubation by July.  DONESusan will be assignee.  Susan accept and welcome.  Cris will help if needed.
IDNameAssigneeProject LeadMarch Status and Comments
INC-28Confluence Portlet and Plugin Benito J. Gonzalez James KionkaHaven't heard in last month.  Technical happening in January.  Benito will talk to team soon.
INC-6Bookmarks Portlet Benito J. Gonzalez Eric DalquistCLA is now filed.  Still remaining issue to get licensing correct.  Recommend to board that go ahead and sponsor.
INC-42Notification Portlet: A portlet for providing notification for upcoming tasks or events.. Benito J. Gonzalez Landis CasnerRepository created.  JIRA space created.  Portlets don't have separate web presence.  Incubation document needs to clarify what is Web presence.  FOLLOW UPCris will send email to incubation list with clarification reflecting current possible practice.
INC-15Content Management Portlet Cris Holdorph Misagh MoayyedMisagh updated Cris with status.  It appears active but no specific progress changes.
INC-26Spring Portlet MVC JSR-168 Archetype Cris Holdorph Charles Frankemail sent, March 19.  Unable to reach him.  follow upDONESusan contact him about availability and interest in pursuing.
INC-7Functional Tests Portlet Cris Holdorph Eric Dalquistemail sent, March 19.  No reply.
INC-38Exchange Mail and Calendar Portlet Cris Holdorph Charles FrankCode added to https://github.com/cpfrank/Exchange-Portlet
INC-23Sakai connector Steve Swinsburg Steve Swinsburg 
INC-40Basic LTI Portlet Steve Swinsburg Steve Swinsburg 
INC-9OpenRegistry Susan Bramhall Benn OshrinOR is active in OSIDM4HE group.  UBC and UCSF are evaluating OR.
INC-36uMobile, A Native Mobile App for uPortal Susan Bramhall Jennifer BoureyU of Chicago will probably be the first production deployment.  Not quite there but soon.  Others are in the pipeline (UW)  Ohio may be first because U of Chicago is paused on Blackberry.  ESUP-Portail also heavily committed to using uMobile enhanced.  Trying to get collaboration going smoothly.
INC-22Deployer Portlet tim carroll Andy Gherna 
INC-27Xythos Portlet and Plugin tim carroll James Kionka 
INC-35ThinkSpace tim carroll Pete Boysen
  • Upcoming a 4 hour "visioning meeting" for Thinkspace to discuss ThinkSpace2.0 with faculty.  This would be a major redesign of the interface to improve ease of use and functionality.  I am hopeful this will be an App-structured interface (apps might include Assignments, Announcements, etc.) rather than the typical website-oriented structure we have now and present in most LMSes.  An app-structured would be easier to use and could provide better integration with LMSes and portals.
  • 20 students in an HCI course are studying ThinkSpace for the semester using UX principles to define audience, functionality, market etc. These students are from around the country and many are professionals.
  • Two grants have been submitted to NSF: one to run the CIRTL network with hopes of integrating features of ThinkSpace into their network ($3.5M).  The other is a "CyberLearning: Transforming Education" grant to advance the feedback and peer-review options of ThinkSpace  ($1.6M).
  • They have hired a part-time programmer to assist in development of new functionality for the HTML Editor (CKEditor which is also used in SAKAI).
  • They now have an official website: www.thinkspace.org (Note the reference to JASIG)
INC-17Widget Portlets Tuyhang Ly Jennifer Boureyfollow upSteve Swinsburg will take this over.  All it needs is one official release.
INC-16Search Portlet Tuyhang Ly Jennifer Bourey

Jen wants to drop this.  Susan asked on lists for opinions on this, here are some responses:

  • Paul Gazda said "General web searching is now easily accessible in most browsers, so the Google search would not be a useful addition at this time"
  • Jen believes that "the search API is also becoming paid-only, further reducing its usefulness".

follow up Retire from incubation.

INC-37Scheduling Assistant Tuyhang Ly Nicholas BlairSusan asked on lists whether there are any adopters, but no response so far.  Maybe RPI.
INC-41People Soft HR Integration Portlets Tuyhang Ly Eric DalquistNot much progress.  Reached out to Eric for updates.  Source codes have not been committed yet.