Git Hosting

Git Hosting


The Jasig GitHub Organization contains the various Jasig projects that have chosen to use GitHub for source control. The Jasig Infrastructure Team and the Incubation Working Group are both members of the Owners Team on GitHub and have the ability to create new repositories and project teams.

Project Teams

Two classes of Teams are used within the organization. Only members of the Owners team for Jasig can add or remove members from other teams. To get team members updated please email infrastructure@lists.ja-sig.org infrastructure@apereo.org

  • Developer teams are created for one or more repositories. These teams should only have Read/Write permissions to the repositories they work with.
  • Steering Committee teams are created based on the Jasig Project Steering Committee structure. These teams have Read/Write/Admin permissions on all associated repositories.

Projects & Repositories

Repositories for New Projects

New projects should go through the Jasig Incubation group to request creation of a GitHub Repository and Teams for the project.

Repositories for existing GitHub Projects

Projects that are new to Jasig but have existing GitHub repositories should go through the Jasig Incubation group. To transfer an existing repository into the Jasig organization follow these steps.

  1. The Incubation group adds the current repository owner to the Repository Migration Team
  2. The repository owner navigates to the repository's Admin page and transfers the repository to Jasig
  3. The Incubation group removes the repository owner from the Repository Migration Team
  4. The Incubation group creates the appropriate Development and Steering Committee Teams for the project

Repositories for existing SVN Projects

Projects that exist in the Jasig SVN repository can be moved to GitHub at any time providing the project's Steering Committee and Developers are in favor of the move. To initiate the migration email infrastructure@lists.ja-sig.org with the desired repository name and references to the groups used in SVN to manage commit access. Once the Jasig Infrastructure team creates and permissions the repository one of the project developers follows the steps outlined in the README of the https://github.com/Jasig/svn2git-migration project to export the project from SVN and appropriately map all author data.

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