2008-09-19 Incubation-WG Meeting
Dial-In Information
(616) 347-8000 992610#
Attendees: Tim Carroll, Andy Gherna, Cris Holdorph, Benn Oshrin, Andrew Petro, Jonathan Markow
Absent: Susan Bramhall, Parker Grimes
Minutes by: Andrew Petro
News and Announcements
No particular news or announcements.
Old Action Items
No formal old action items reviewed, but St. Paul Followups for Incubation includes information about previous discussion at the St. Paul conference and followups there identified.
Old Business
No formal old business reviewed, but St. Paul Followups for Incubation includes information about prior discussion at the St. Paul conference and followups there identified, and the Incubation Process - old page includes comments.
New Business
Jonathan Markow greeted participants and chaired the call.
Who are we and what do we do?
Call participants briefly reviewed and discussed the goal of this working group.
Jonathan articulated thinking of the incubation working group as a subcommittee under the Board of Directors. Incubation WG does all things except make final decisions about incubation of projects, with the decision to accept a project happening at the Board level.
Review Incubation Process and St. Paul Followups
After discovering that some call participants had not yet read the Incubation Process - old in detail, Jonathan reviewed this process with call participants, walking it through from beginning to end in some detail. (This document has subsequently been updated by Benn Oshrin to reflect changes discussed on this call and a need for it to accommodate a particular use case for incubation of IdM core technologies project being shepherded by Rutgers but not desired to appear purely a Rutgers-local project, hence the perceived value in JASIG project incubation).
The call participants also reviewed St. Paul Followups for Incubation. The examples of what ought to be in Contrib in the process document are dated, not reflecting subsequent progress, and Andrew Petro took an action item to update them.
Participants discussed need for confidentiality in this Working Group. Andrew gave the motivating example that when a project is proposed for and requests incubation, this group will need to have a frank discussion of the suitability of the project for incubation. Andrew suggested that the minutes and meetings of the Working Group be closed and that the email lists and archive of the group be closed.
Benn suggested a model where confidentiality is maintained beginning with initial contact, up through the decision to accept a project for incubation. (We may or may not want to disclose a project is under consideration, but certainly nothing beyond that.) Once a project is accepted, all further process is public (unless specific requirements dictate otherwise), including regular status updated.
Discuss Benn's new initiative
Benn articulated an idea of an Identity Management core technology project and wanting to be able to incubate this in JASIG. Participants discussed how to modify the Incubation Process document to accommodate this valid use case.
Benn Oshrin took an action item to propose revision to the Incubation Process document to better accommodate incubating his proposed project.
Discuss next steps for "incubated" portlets
Discuss prospects over next six months
Briefly discussed prospects of incubating Bedework.
Meet again at UnConference. Dial in Cris? Parker?
New Action Items
- Andrew Petro to update examples of things that ought to go into contrib in the incubation process.
- Andrew to connect with the Infrastructure group on understanding who has the privileges to and how to we execute on moving around source control as agreed
- Benn Oshrin to propose revision to the Incubation Process to better accomodate incubating projects that do not yet have concrete software to evaluate against incubation guidelines.
- Jonathan Markow took an action item to review the status of, membership up, usage of an incubation email list in JASIG.
- Jonathan Markow took an action item to determine a likely time for incubation conversation at the UnConference so that Cris Holdorph and Parker Grimes may be dialed in.