Conceptual - Product Suite Style Governance
Conceptual - Product Suite Style Governance
each major heading below represents a product suite. using this governance style, we could better support and facilitate incubating projects by giving them the option to create their own stand-alone steering committee or to discuss, negotiate, and adopt alignment with an existing steering group that would help promote and oversee their vision. the strawman breakdown below is drawn from functional boundaries rather than technical ones, they could be made up of applications, portlets, web services, frameworks, etc.
- the list below is not all inclusive, and for illustration purposes it contains several projects that are still in incubation (designated by **).
- new product suite steering groups as they were required and created could be initially seeded by project incubation leads or delegates.
it will be interesting to explore this further with folks on the projects. Â an interesting twist will be to see how communities of practice play into this. Â it seems that communities of practice might naturally evolve around product suites, and perhaps that helps defines the steering team. Â for example, how does FIFER and Central Registry fit together from a governance standpoint?
- uPortal Framework
- Self Service Accounts Portlet **
- DeployerPortlet **
Productivity Suite
- Calendar Portlet
- Email Preview Portlet
- Bookmarks Portlet **
- Tabbed Search Portlet **
- Scheduling Assistant (Portlet and Application) **
Collaboration and Social Media Suite
- Xythos Portlet **
- Confluence Portlet **
- Facebook Portlet (Connect API) **
Content Management Suite
- Announcements Portlet
- Simple Content Management Portlet
- Content Management Portlet **
- ?? ThinkSpace **
Content Consumer Suite
- Weather Portlet
- NewsReaderPortlet **
- Simple RSS Portlet **
- Jasig Widget Portlets **
- WebProxy **
Learning Management Suite
- Basic LTI Portlet **
- Sakai connector portlet **
- ?? ThinkSpace **