2018-06-06 uPSC meeting notes

2018-06-06 uPSC meeting notes


6 June 2018



Open Apereo tactical opportunities

We discussed how to make the best of the Open Apereo conference from a project perspective. This included recruiting additional uPortal Supporting Subscribers, new committers, and new participant activity. Participation in the collaboration days was encouraged.

uPortal annual report

We discussed the uPortal related contents of the Apereo annual report and what still needs to be updated. We discussed the need to stay on top of this such that we can more easily produce the report in a timely manner next year. We will publish the final uPortal annual report separately. 


We discussed the need to ensure we manage the project finances in a responsible manner so that we don't negatively impact the foundation.


We thanked Marissa for her service on the steering committee as she relinquishes her position for personal reasons.