2016-08-16 uPSC meeting notes
2016-08-16 uPSC meeting notes
Aug 16, 2016
- To facilitate timely agendas, we will lay them out in advance and populate possible items ahead of time. A reminder will go out in advance. Jim will take the lead.
- We will also poll to see if the meeting time should be adjusted. Jim will lead.
- Drew will verify with James as to whether or not his change in employement will have him stepping down from the uPSC. Jim will kick off any necessary elections.
- It was decided that the best way to make progress on articulating a roadmap would be to schedule a meeting dedicated toward collaborative authoring. Jim will take the lead.
uPortal Sustaining Subscriptions
- A good discussion of the options ensued. The most compelling use of funds seemed to be in securing resources to do work in the areas of release engineering, QA and testing, mentoring contributors, and uPortal evangelizing.
- Consensus was that the general tiered approach would be the most flexible.
- All agreed to add their comments to the subscription google doc.
- Jim will encourage additional discussion on the uportal-user thread and then develop a draft proposal.
uPortal build and deploy improvements
- There is an exciting opportunity to make improvements to the uPortal build and deployment process. This could include modernization, decomposition, Gradle, and more.
Andrew has a past related blog post.
- This would likely be uPortal 5 and include rebasing to org.apereo packaging.
- Progress would best be made if there were multiple parties collaborated.
- There may be some grant funding available for this.
- Drew will lead a discussion on the developers list. See document and thread.
Action items
- Jim Helwig will create placeholder agendas and schedule a reminder to review and populate.
- Andrew Wills (Deactivated) will check with James on uPSC status.
- Jim Helwig will kick off any necessary elections.
- Jim Helwig will schedule a roadmap work meeting.
- All will add comments to the subscription google doc.
- Jim Helwig will follow up on list about the subscription doc.
- Andrew Wills (Deactivated) will start a discussion about collaborating on uPortal build and deploy improvements
- Jim Helwig will continue to poll the uPSC for a survey lead
- Jim Helwig will continue to solicit a community call coordinator from the uPSC
- Andrew Petro will continue to work through GitHub logistics on the uportal-dev list
- Andrew Petro will follow up with the uPSC on GitHub policy