2018-05-02 uPSC meeting notes


2 May 2018



uPortal Project Health

We will be reaching out to the community to see how they would like to measure project health.

uPortal Supporting Subscription

We will be reaching out to the community to see how they think we should best leverage subscription funds. Without adequate, sustained funding we are very limited in what we can accomplish, so we will also ask what would inspire their institution to subscribe. 

Project Intake

We reviewed the current status (2 projects have been added to https://github.com/uPortal-contrib/) and will be encouraging the community to propose more.


We are anticipating the release of uPortal 5.1 and further releases of uPortal-Home prior to the conference. We discussed whether or not uPortal-start should have releases and will be taking this question up directly on uportal-dev@.

uPSC Areas of Focus

We discussed where the uPSC should focus its attention. We identified the following: promotion, expansion, and clarification of the uPortal Supporting Subscription program to reach levels that would sustain increased project resources as our greatest opportunity. We also identified the lack of clear information about uPortal as one of our weaknesses and a threat to attracting new adopters.

Apereo Welcoming Policy

It was noted that the Apereo Welcoming Policy now has viable contact mechanism and thus is more appropriate to be relied on in the uPortal code of conduct.