uPortal3 Adoption

uPortal3 Adoption

What is this page?

This is a page where people and organizations exploring implementing, adopting or upgrading to uPortal 3 can list themselves and their progress, allowing others to see how this is going, casually lend a hand where there are road blocks, and find peers and trailblazers in this endeavor. You can also find links to more detailed implementation information.

Who's running 3.x in production?

Institution and Contact


Link to Details

Boston University School of Management

January 8, 2009 Boston University School of Management successfully launched uPortal 3.0.1 in October of 2008. The deployment is configured with AD/CAS for authentication and Single Sign on for uPortal and SAKAI course management system. Plans to integrate most existing and future applications with the portal. Deploy custom portlets for home built and public social networking sites. 


Johns Hopkins
Former user (Deleted)

September 11, 2008 - Deployed Performance Patches (Corrected Performance Problems)
August 21, 2008 - Johns Hopkins Launches uPortal 3
May 13, 2008 - We are currently standing up a stock uPortal 3 instance against our Microsoft SQL Server 2005 backend while concurrently performing an analysis on our 2.6.1+ instance to determine which local modifications we will be dropping, porting forward, and/or contributing back to the community.  Drew Wills and and others from UNICON are working on this effort.
Apr. 29, 2008 - Though we recently completed our upgrade from 2.5.2 to 2.6.1+, we have partnered with Unicon to explore leveraging uPortal 3 to address many problems and feature requests that we currently have including (but not limited to) cache management and streamlined theme development and skinning.


Rutgers University
Tuyhang Ly

June 16, 2009 - uPortal 3.0.4+ was released into production this morning, replacing uPortal 2.5.3+. So far, so good!  Our portal is running in a web-farm of 6 Sun V240 servers, which will be replaced with Sun M3000 servers in a near future.  We have ~60,000 users.
March 25, 2009 - Rutgers upgrades to uPortal 3.0.3 as a Pilot release with new default and seasonal themed skins.  This release is currently being made available to a broad user base for testing purposes.  We are planning to roll this out into production sometime in June 2009 time frame.
September 17, 2008 - Rutgers launches uPortal 3.0.1 as a beta version available to a small group of users to monitor performance and collecting feedbacks/comments.   We are still working on refining UI, layout and data migration plan.
June 23, 2008 - We are in the process of upgrading from 2.5.3+ and have done most of our local modifications and porting all of our existing channels.  We took the maven war overlay approach and tried to implement our local modifications without changing the framework code directly and have contributed back to the community some of the changes needed to the framework to make this possible.  We have successfully integrated with CAS client 3 and inspektr - a non-intruisive Auditing and Logging Capabilities for Java.  We are in the process of customizing the theme and porting our skins over.   We have identified some UI performance issues to be addressed and contributed back to the community.  Regarding data migration, we are not planning to migrate SLM data, but only to migrate user's preferences on some channels.
Apr. 29, 2008 - Rutgers is known to be exploring a near term uPortal 3 upgrade.


Unicon, Inc.
Andrew Petro

Apr. 29, 2008 - Unicon has uPortal 3 in production in an environment for demoing uPortal to potential clients, in the uPortal webinars, etc. This effort has involved identifying several uPortal 3 issues and funding Jen Bourey to fix them as well as working through issues in the SJDC Announcements Channel dependence on APIs removed in uP3. This environment is a successful, stable, working, skinned, production environment, integrated with Unicon's internal directory services. The Duke Tabbed Email Preview Portlet and the JA-SIG Weather Portlet are successfully operating in this environment. Next steps include continuing to review and integrate available open source functionality.


University of Wisconsin-Madison
Eric Dalquist

October 21, 2008 We completed our upgrade to uPortal 3 without any sort of outage. We're running code closer to 3.1-M1 than 3.0.2 and will be contributing back the rest of our local mods over the next few weeks.
September 11, 2008 Finished integrating most of our local mods. Tweaking the build of our portlets. Actual upgrade (which should not require a service outage) will be October 21.
June 10, 2008 Starting working on porting our ID and Attribute swapper portlets for inclusion in 3.1
June 8, 2008 Finished porting our database stats logger to uPortal 3. It will be included in 3.1 as a standard uPortal feature: UP-2075.
May. 09, 2008 - Currently working on getting a local Maven repository proxy up. The results of that work are documented here: Nexus Proxy Example
Apr. 28, 2008 - Madison is working on reviewing all of our local modifications and integrating our build scripts with the uP3 build scripts. We will likely be contributing some changes related to build script features back into 3.0 soon.


The University of Manchester
Anthony Colebourne

February 20, 2009 -  uPortal 3.0.3 launched with back-ported Fluid reorder from 3.1.0. Also we now running Tomcat 6.0.18
December 17, 2008 - Our revised launch date is the 1st week in Feb 2009. We currently have all environments except live upgraded. We have completed UAT sessions and will be performing load testing during January.
September 16, 2008 - Manchester theme and skin completed. All Portlets running within uP3 environment.
May 12, 2008 - We have uP3 deployed to a server class machine matching our current live environment. Tomcat 5.5, Apache 2.2.3, Mod JK, Java 1.5.0_14 and MySQL 5. Successfully tested against our institutional CAS server. Beginning testing of our existing Portlets within uP3.
Apr. 29, 2008 - We are planning to migrating from 2.5.2 before the end of 2008.


University of New England
Matt Peterson

July 24. 2008 - uPortal 3.0.1 was released into production as our student portal this morning, replacing uPortal 2.5.3. So far, so good!

May 7, 2008 - We are planning to upgrade from 2.5.3 to 3.0.0 for the start of the Australian Semester 2 at the end of July. We have so far completed our POC/sandbox setup, customized the theme, created a skin and documented changes in uP3 which have an effect on UNE's current configuration (Tomcat instance, build and deploy scripts, etc...). As uP3 has, so far, been nice and easy, we are ahead of schedule.


Southern Utah University
Parker Grimes

May 19, 2008 We have a vanilla uPortal 3 instance up and running with Oracle 11g. Next steps are to migrate data from our existing 2.6.1 install and skin uPortal 3.
Oct 10, 2008 We had hoped to be using uPortal 3 by this last summer, but other things came up. We are shooting for spring semester 2009 now.
May 11,2010 - We finally went live with uPortal 3.2.1. We upgraded from 2.6.1. We ended up not migrating layouts/preferences from 2.6.1 and opted to go with a clean install. We are running on 2 virtual machines with 6GB each behind a load balancer. Daily logins are around 2,000 users, peaks at 10,000 the first couple days of the semester. Running on Oracle 10g, Tomcat 6.0.18, on Ubuntu 10.04 64-bit Server.


Who's Looking at 3.x?

Institution and Contact


Link to Details

Brigham Young University

We did a POC with 2.6 but will be going live with 3.0 (hopefully Fall 2008)


Yale University

Apr. 29, 2008 - Yale is committed to a uPortal 3 upgrade but not sure of the time frame. We have already had a user testing session with a preliminary version with good results. The actual deployment will depend on availability of currently constrained resources.


University of Hull
Robert Sherratt

Apr. 29, 2008 - We will be investigating migrating to 3.0 from 2.5.2 for September 2008. Does anyone have a project plan for the migration, I imagine these would be fairly generic.


South Dakota State University
Joe Moore

Apr. 30, 2008 - We are currently planning to migrate from 2.5.3 over the summer.  Unless we run into unexpected roadblocks, we will be on 3.0 for fall.
June 6, 2008 - Right now, it looks like Toro Briefcase (in my opinion an integral part of our production portal) is probably the major dependency for us.  As of a week or so ago, it is not available from Unicon? Toro-81 and Toro-83(this has since been fixed by unicon but not implemented at SDSU)
June 17, 2008 - We have migrated our uPortal 3.x to using Microsoft SQL--a requirement for our server environment
September 12, 2008 - Due to resource problems not related to uPortal 3.x, we did not have it ready for the beginning of Fall term.  I will update later.
October 27, 2008 - Currently, it looks like we should have uPortal 3.x configured for our campus around the beginning of calendar 2009, but due to other Web project rollouts at South Dakota State, go-live has probably been pushed back to Fall, 2009.
March 9, 2009 - I believe we're on target for a Fall, 2009 roll-out of 3.x.  I have CAS, LDAP and MS SQL working in 3.0.x and am currently porting it to 3.1.0RC1.


Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
Darren Kraker

October 23, 2008 - We have begun our upgrade to uP3 using the trunk release 44314 with our target for production roll out in the 3rd week in December.

May 6th, 2008 - We are tentatively planning an upgrade to uPortal 3 from 2.5.3 Winter term 2009.


Saint Paul Public Schools
George Adams

May 8, 2008 - We will be investigating moving to 3.0.0 from 2.6 this Summer. Our portal is a staff only portal at this time and will be rolled out to all staff in the Fall.


Institute of Informatics, MK
Vangel Ajanovski

We currently have 2.6 on http://www.ii.edu.mk (custom patches for bilingual guest page layout - english and macedonian). I tried to migrate to 3.0 in May 2008 - dropped because of lack of time.
Current development - based on 3.2 planned to go in production - Feb, 2010.
Live site under construction


Fort Lewis College
James Bodine

June 10, 2008 - We are currently in the process of installing 3.0 as a new campus portal to be ready for Fall 2008.


University of St. Francis
Tim Archer

June 13, 2008 - We are live on 2.5.2, and are currently working with 3.0 to explore its new features and come up with a plan for a portal update, and potentially a "fresh new look" to our portal.


University of California, Irvine
Erik Olsson

June 17, 2008 - Looking to deploy 3.0 in May 2009. Currently customizing 3.0 to work with UCI's custom SSO and porting a theme that we've already marketed to the campus using 2.6.


Millikin University
Chris Myers

June 27, 2008 We're also looking at UP3, but not immediately, more like for next summer.


University of California, Merced
Benito Gonzalez

October 7, 2008 -
Deploying 3.0 in January 2009. Looking for load-balancing and fail-over solutions (beyond hardware). Will review newer portlets in the hopes of replacing our older channels.


University of the West of England
Paul Hunnisett

January 14th, 2009 - We are currently investigating an upgrade; although the investigation will essentially be an upgrade that we may or may not then use.  We almost certainly will...


Nagoya University (Japan)
Shoji Kajita

March 1st, 2009 - We are currently building a beta-test site using uPortal 3.0.2 with our own skin. We are going to form volunteer monitoring groups.


Community Support

Please talk about adopting uPortal 3 on http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/JSG/uportal-user. (Discussion of development of uPortal happens on http://www.ja-sig.org/wiki/display/JSG/uportal-dev.)

There's also a uPortal IRC chat room in which you're welcome to discuss uPortal.

Part of the purpose of this page is to help like-minded uPortal 3 adopters to find one another and connect for collaboration.

Commercial Support

Institutions looking to move to uPortal 3 can also rely upon the services of a number of organizations providing support and services around uPortal, including evaluation, upgrade & migration assistance, or services and staff augmentation.

A complete list of organizations providing services for uPortal is listed on: http://www.uportal.org/

Unicon - Unicon is a Jasig Partner and uPortal Solutions Provider delivering a full complement of professional consulting, training, and support services for the portal lifecycle; portlet development; and integration for uPortal 2 & 3.

CampusEAI - CampusEAI provides training, support, consulting, and services around uPortal and Portlets. Please contact info@campuseai.org for more information.