2016-07-19 uPSC meeting notes

2016-07-19 uPSC meeting notes


Jul 19, 2016


Meeting Logistics

  • Agendas will be collaboratively created in Google Docs by the uPSC prior to the meeting.
  • Jim Helwig will act as minutes scribe.
  • Notes will be published in the wiki, sans any sensitive topics (rare)
  • Meetings will be held the 3rd Tuesday of the month at Noon NYC.

Community Calls

  • There is general agreement that we should hold these more regularly.
  • We will consider having a location in the wiki where topics can be suggested, people can sign up to present, a schedule will be available, and artifacts can be uploaded.
  • Jim Helwig will solicit a coordinator from the uPSC 

New GitHub Organizations

  • Andrew Petro will continue to work through logistics on the uportal-dev list.
  • Andrew Petro will follow up with the uPSC on policy. It is likely we will involve the Apereo Incubation process for new contributions, recognizing they are likely to be kicked back to the uPSC for mentoring through the process.


  • There was some discussion on the projects and licensing lists as to what improvements could be made to the ICLA submission and pull request process. 
  • The discussion has now moved into the more open licensing-discuss list. Interested parties are encouraged to join in the discussion.
  • There is interest in modeling our use of ICLAs and other means of informed consent to contribute after Apache. That would make it easier for people to contribute without filing an ICLA while still requiring them from committers.

AngularJS-portal incubation

  • UW-Madison intends to submit this to incubation this Fall. 

Community Survey

  • CAS recently released the results of their community survey that they will use in developing their roadmap.
  • We feel this would be valuable to the uPortal community as well.
  • Jim Helwig will see if someone from the uPSC wants to head this up.

Road Map

  • There are notes from the road map discussions at the conference that need to be synthesized.
  • Andrew Petro will start the draft of a road map, other uPSC members will contribute, and we will discuss at next month's meeting.


  • Christian Cousquer shared about possible changes to the Esup organization in France. It would be easier to work on the same code base if we made internationalization easier. CrowdIn could help with that.
  • We will continue to try and identify someone that could lead this investigation.

Action items

  • Jim Helwig post minutes
  • Jim Helwig schedule meetings
  • Jim Helwig will solicit a community call coordinator from the uPSC 
  • Andrew Petro will continue to work through GitHub logistics on the uportal-dev list
  • Andrew Petro will follow up with the uPSC on GitHub policy
  • Jim Helwig will poll the uPSC for a survey lead
  • Andrew Petro will start the draft of a road map
  • All will help prepare draft roadmap for the next meeting