2017-06-20 uPSC meeting notes

2017-06-20 uPSC meeting notes


June 20th, 2017 


Open Apereo Follow-up

Andrew will capture notes, materials and slides. Aaron posted to the uportal-user mailinglist to collect presentations and posted on https://twitter.com/uPortal.

Social Media

Twitter - Aaron is working on the Twitter account now. 8 Tweets were posted in June (mostly pertaining to conference materials and accessibility) and gained 7 new followers.

Blogging - Various uPortal community members want to blog, apereo.github.io is a good open venue. Once posted we will cross promote in the Apereo newsletter, Apereo web site, Mailinglist, Twitter, etc. Guidelines are a concern as the existing platform is very open and unstructured. Benito will be posting about the conference. Brandon and MySAIL student developers are interested in posting blogs. Christian will be blogging on Portlets/Soffits, Layout History from uPortal 2.5 to uPortal 5, and CSS JS DOM i18n WCAG with tricks and code.

Webinars / Community Calls - There is interest in doing community calls, finding the available resources to help coordinate an effort aren't available currently.

Code of Conduct

Christian Murphy's thought was great, we want to be welcoming, although with limited resources we should focus our energies where needed. Apereo has a welcoming policy we can promote more within our project: https://www.apereo.org/content/apereo-welcoming-policy

Communication Tools

Slack is becoming a very popular communication tool in the Apereo / Sakai communities (https://apereo.slack.com) and we have a channel #uportal. We'd like to be more open, content for Slack is behind a login and history will eventually be lost due to having the free version of the software. There are ways to export history manually, if needed. Slack's conveniences are nice although at a cost in terms of openness and transparency. CAS is using both Gitter.IM and Slack.

Also there was discussion on opening up uportal-steering-commitee's mailinglist to the public more. It was reaffirmed that non-uPortal steering committee members can send e-mails to the mailinglist but are currently not able to view archives.


Benito is going to e-mail the uportal-user / uportal dev lists to gauge interest. Andrew mentioned that UW-Madison has appropriate space. Also there was some discussion on renaming the Unconference to be more developer friendly.