uPortal-Local Self-Service Users and User Manager Portlet
This page can be deleted. Updated info is at Add Local User Accounts and Local Account Self Service.
- This page will likely be moved.
- This page will likely be renamed.
- The portlet it references will probably be renamed.
This page exists to document and collaborate upon the uPortal-local end-user-facing and administrator-facing portlets for user management that ship in uPortal Trunk (towards uPortal 3.3).
End-user-facing Self-Service Account Creation Portlet
The idea: End-users can create a portal account for themselves. Plausibly a portlet for the not-logged-in guest user experience.
End-user-facing Self-Service Account Modification Portlet
The idea: End-users can modify the existing portal account as whom they're logged in.
Administrator-facing User Management portlet
The idea: Privileged administrators can create, modify, and delete portal-local user accounts.
Creating new users
Editing existing users
Impersonating existing users
Deleting existing users
Link from Groups Manager
Privileged administrators should see an "edit" link in the Groups Manager when they browse to a user, allowing them to access this portlet's user editing functionality for the targeted user if that user exists locally to uPortal.
Plan of ATTACK
- Add account attribute editing for end users (this means adding features to the update password portlet)
- Add account self-signup
- Address account persistence outside of the portal