2016-11-15 uPSC meeting notes

2016-11-15 uPSC meeting notes


November 15, 2016


Open Apereo 2017 

We discussed what presentation proposals we would like to see submitted by the 11/28 deadline. Jim will encourage submissions on the uportal-user list. The uPSC will assist with evaluating proposals.

Invited call attendees

The uPSC voted to invite Stephen English (Project Manager at Unicon focused on uPortal work) and Jat Pannu (Business Developer and strategist for the K12 Initiative) to participate on the monthly calls. They bring unique perspectives to the project and will help the uPSC in its work on improving the uPortal project. The uPSC affirmed its intention of encouraging more conversations about uPortal in general on the public lists and other venues.

uPortal Security Incident Response Plan

We discussed the current draft of the uPortal Security Incident Response Plan and reviewed status of incidents. Jim will complete the next draft of the plan. We discussed Apereo becoming a CNA for the scope of Apereo projects and thereby able to assign our own CVEs within pre-allocated-to-Apereo-CVE-ID-blocks.

uPortal Supporting Subscriptions

Jim discussed feedback he had received on a document describing three pillars of uPortal support. He will circulate a revised doc for further comment before releasing to the public.

Action items


  • Jim Helwig or Andrew Petro will submit angularjs-portal/appframe for incubation.
  • Andrew Wills (Deactivated) will contact Edinburgh to discuss WCP incubation.
  • Jim Helwig will continue to poll the uPSC for a survey lead
  • Jim Helwig will continue to solicit a community call coordinator from the uPSC 
  • Andrew Petro will continue to work through GitHub logistics on the uportal-dev list
  • Andrew Petro will follow up with the uPSC on GitHub policy
  • Andrew Petro will take look at leveraging the new GitHub organization web site capabilities