2016-10-18 uPSC meeting notes

2016-10-18 uPSC meeting notes


October 18, 2016



We discussed getting a patch release out in the near future. Drew will coordinate.

uPortal Sustaining Subscriptions

Jim will be drafting a Three Pillars document helping explain the importance and relationship of Apereo membership, uPortal supporting subscriptions, and vendor support programs. This will be shared and discussed with commercial affiliates. this will also be shared with Apereo members using uPortal prior to their renewal.


Brandon and Benito were congratulated on being elected to the uPSC. There were a number of improvements to to process that were discussed for the next election cycle. Now that the uPortal Supporting Subscription program is underway, we will be looking at filling the USS representative position. Drew and Jim will be reaching out to potential candidates, especially those that may represent our expanding community (e.g., K-12 schools/consortia).


Jim will officially submit UW's angularjs-portal/appframe for incubation. Drew will reach out to Edinburgh to discuss incubation of their web conferencing portlet that integrates with BbC Ultra.


We discussed potential next steps towards improving internationalization of uPortal. Christian shared a document that identifies uPortal i18n issues from Esup POV and information from OAE on technologies they are using in this area. There was consensus that the next step may be target a subsystem/component/microservice that would be part of uPortal 5 and focus efforts on improving i18n for it.


The EsupSympa portlet has been updated, licensed under Apache 2, and now works better with Respondr.

Action items


  • Jim Helwig will continue to poll the uPSC for a survey lead
  • Jim Helwig will continue to solicit a community call coordinator from the uPSC 
  • Andrew Petro will continue to work through GitHub logistics on the uportal-dev list
  • Andrew Petro will follow up with the uPSC on GitHub policy
  • Andrew Petro will take look at leveraging the new GitHub organization web site capabilities

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