2016-09-20 uPSC meeting notes


September 20, 2016



General consensus that the 9/2 roadmap discussion went well. The adoption of new technologies should be done in a way that tries to minimize pain to adopters and developers. Unicon anticipates being able to apply resources under contract towards making progress on the roadmap.

uPortal Sustaining Subscriptions

On 9/1 the uPSC approved the new uPortal Supporting Subscription program. We discussed how to reach out to organizations so they are aware of it. Aaron and Christian shared information they have gathered on schools that are using uPortal.

Building Community

The February ESUP Days will include more sessions on uPortal. Jim and Drew are hoping to be able to attend and present. We discussed making more use of https://apereo.github.io/ for blog posts. We discussed potentially moving the uPortal web site to GitHub Pages and potentially implementing the user manual tusing markdown. Aaron started work on making updates to the current uPortal web site.


uPSC elections will be in October.

Action items

  • Andrew Petro will look into leveraging the capabilities of the GitHub organization.


  • Jim Helwig will continue to poll the uPSC for a survey lead
  • Jim Helwig will continue to solicit a community call coordinator from the uPSC 
  • Andrew Petro will continue to work through GitHub logistics on the uportal-dev list
  • Andrew Petro will follow up with the uPSC on GitHub policy
  • Andrew Petro will take look at leveraging the new GitHub organization web site capabilities