2017-07-18 uPSC meeting notes


July 18th, 2017 



The uPortal-Home project continues to work its way through incubation. It includes a number of smaller, microservice projects. The uPSC will draft a process for handling future small projects that are part of the uPortal ecosystem.

Open Apereo Follow-up

The uPSC will be sending an email and publishing a newsletter article summarizing the conference and collaboration days from a uPortal point of view. They will also be sending a recap of the roadmap discussion.

Code of Conduct

While we have referenced the Apereo Welcoming Policy in a few places (uPortal, uPortal-Home). It is anticipated that the Apereo Board will spin up a working group in a few months to review the welcoming policy.

Communication Tools

Noted that there has not been a lot of momentum with the uPortal Slack channel. Both uPortal gitter and uPortal-Home gitter channels have not been used lately. We will look at the historic use of the uportal-steering-committee list and see how much of it can be moved to uportal-user/dev and how much needs to be private; the intention is to be more transparent about uPSC communication.

uPortal 5

We will start some list traffic to identify what needs to be done to get uPortal 5 released.

uPortal meetup

We will be following up with the list on the shape of a possible meetup this fall and what level of interest there is.