2012-06-12 Integrations and Customizations in Sakai OAE

2012-06-12 Integrations and Customizations in Sakai OAE


Integrations and Customizations in Sakai OAE


Jeff Pasch (New York University)

Madan Dorairaj (New York University)

Date and time (EDT)

June 12 2:30 PM


Conference Center Room 5


Simon Pinter (New York University)



New York University's implementation of Sakai OAE is called "The ATLAS Network". Our vision is to position ATLAS as the collaboration tool that will provide seamless integration to various academic systems. Currently, NYU uses Kaltura for storing and viewing rich multimedia content. Additionally, NYU's Digital Library Technology Services has developed a drupal-based eBook Reader Platform. ATLAS will provide seamless and secure access to these repositories and will treat the artifacts therein as pieces of content within Sakai, enabling users to manage this content just as they would manage any other piece of content within Sakai. This presentation will provide insight into the integration approach that NYU has taken to integrate Kaltura and eBook reader platform. Furthermore, we will highlight additional customizations that NYU has implemented, including tag clouds, to support teaching and learning and collaboration.



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