2012-06-12 Changes in Sakai's Citations Helper

2012-06-12 Changes in Sakai's Citations Helper


Changes in Sakai's Citations Helper


Mark Notess (Indiana University)

David Cliff (Indiana University)

Jim Eng (University of Michigan)

Date and time (EDT)

June 12 2:30 PM


Tower 1402


(Empty for now - What's this?)


New ways to integrate library resources are being added to the Sakai CLE Citations Helper. We'll take a quick tour of the current capabilities of the Citations Helper, highlight some current work and describe future plans. We'll review a set of proposals to streamline the user interface. We'll go through plans for multi-institution testing of RIS import/export, which has been a source of issues. We'll look at the move away from federated search support and plans for a generic facility for integration of new discovery systems such as EBSCO Discovery Service or Ex Libris Primo into the Citations Helper. And we'll lead a discussion of future directions for integrating library resources into Sakai, both CLE and OAE.


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