2012-06-12 Improving Instruction with Open Educational Resources


Improving Instruction with Open Educational Resources


Ronda Neugebauer (Chadron State College)

Kim Thanos (Thanos Partners)

Date and time (EDT)

June 12 10:45 AM


Conference Center Room 2


(Empty for now - What's this?)


In 1998 David Wiley coined the term "Open Content." Three years later MIT launched its Open CourseWare initiative. Since that time institutions around the world have published course materials with an intent that other will re-use, revise, remix and redistribute the open educational resources (OER). Still, today most educators incorporate little if any OER in their courses. This session will explain why to use OER, including results of a research study capturing the experiences of students and faculty. It will also provide practical steps to redesign one module of your course with OER. Finally, we will share our current use of Sakai OAE as the perfect platform to finally realize the benefits of OER that have evaded us.




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