2012-06-13 Integration of Sakai OAE with Grouper at NYU

2012-06-13 Integration of Sakai OAE with Grouper at NYU


Integration of Sakai OAE with Grouper at NYU


Madan Dorairaj (NYU)

Date and time (EDT)

June 13, 2012, 5:15 PM - 6:45 PM


Atlanta Ballroom


(Empty for now - What's this?)


NYU's implementation of Sakai OAE is called "The ATLAS Network." Our vision is to position ATLAS as the collaboration tool that will provide seamless integration to various academic systems. Towards that end, NYU uses Internet2's group management toolkit for Authorizations. In this session we will take a deep dive into the use case of Grouper where course groups are provisioned in ATLAS using PeopleSoft Student Information Systems. NYU is also interested in extending the capabilities to store ATLAS basic/simple group information and "My Contacts" in Grouper thereby utilizing Grouper's true potential as an enterprise group management toolkit.


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