2012-06-13 MediaCAST Demonstration

2012-06-13 MediaCAST Demonstration


MediaCAST Demonstration


Mark Norton (Nolaria Consulting)

Matt Webster (Inventive Technology, Inc.)

Date and time (EDT)

June 13, 2012, 5:15 PM - 6:45 PM


Atlanta Ballroom


(Empty for now - What's this?)


The presenters will conduct live demonstrations of MediCAST using a recently developed integration tool in Sakai 2.8.1.

MediaCAST is a digital content management and streaming platform, specifically designed to meet the needs of 21st century educational institutions. MediaCAST opens up a new set of engaging teaching possibilities by integrating an unlimited amount of publisher content, user-generated content and live streams into Sakai courses. Students and teachers can upload, search and segment resources stored in the MediaCAST centralized library, right from their Sakai course page. MediaCAST is easy-to-use and translates into time and money savings for organizations looking for a way to search all of their content in a single interface as well as manage copyright and licensing information. MediaCAST expands Sakai's feature set to offer clients a way to access all of their video, images, audio files, Power Points, PDFs, whiteboard files and more.


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