2012-06-11 Dynamics of a University Educational Technology Portfolio: Sakai at Charles Sturt University


Dynamics of a University Educational Technology Portfolio: Sakai at Charles Sturt University


Philip Uys (Charles Sturt University)

Date and time (EDT)

June 11, 2012, 2:30 PM


Tower 1404


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Charles Sturt University (CSU) has developed an extensive and balanced educational technology portfolio over the last seven years in which Sakai CLE is a centre piece, as will be the case with Sakai OAE in future. At CSU we embed educational technology within an educational framework where university provided and external technologies operate in dynamic relationships with each other and with learning and teaching goals to shape blended learning environments. The relationship of Sakai CLE and OAE with other technologies and its key role in this rapidly changing and challenging higher education environment will be described in meeting the diverse needs of adult, school-leaving, distance, and on-campus and students. This presentation draws on the use of Sakai CLE at CSU since 2007 and our deep involvement with the OAE project over the last three years.


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