2012-06-13 Supporting International MyLabs using Sakai

2012-06-13 Supporting International MyLabs using Sakai


Supporting International MyLabs using Sakai


Cris Holdorph (Unicon, Inc.)

Tansy Rothwell (Pearson International)

Date and time (EDT)

June 13, 2012, 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM


Tower 1404


(Empty for now - What's this?)


Pearson International has chosen to build a new offering using the Sakai Collaboration and Learning Environment to support instructors and students in many different regions around the world, including Japan, Germany, France, Sweden and more. This session will look at why Sakai was chosen, including what is unique to the project and what Sakai offers "out of the box". We will also look at what needs Sakai did not meet and what development has been needed. Additionally, we will look at how this project is working with the Sakai community to improve the localization / internationalization support.


  • Document 1
  • Slides
  • Link

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