2012-06-12 Accessibility Status of Sakai CLE and OAE


Accessibility Status of Sakai CLE and OAE


Joe Humbert (IUPUI)

Brian Richwine (Indiana University)

Date and time (EDT)

June 12 3:45 PM


Tower 1404




Interested in learning about the current status of Sakai's accessibility for both Collaboration and Learning Environment (CLE) and Open Academic Environment (OAE)? Come learn about the Sakai Accessibility Working Group and how it works to both evaluate and improve Sakai's accessibility.

This talk will include a description of Sakai's Accessibility Goals and how accessibility is included in the Sakai development and QA processes. We will also be sharing the latest results for the Sakai 2.9 and OAE v1.1 accessibility reviews including a possible roadmap for Sakai Accessibility. Discuss the top accessibility issues. Learn how you or others at your institution can get involved in the Accessibility Working Group to help improve access to Sakai for all users.




  • Name, contact info

Minutes or notes

Sakai Accessibility Statements

Sakai OAE v1.1 Accessibility Review

Accessibility Working Group website

Accessibility Working group mailing list

Accessibility Working Group Teleconference

  • Call in for our bi-weekly teleconferences
    • How to connect:
      • Dial: (812) 856-7060
      • Conference Code: 22348#
  • An agenda for each meeting is mailed out to the group’s email list.

Action items

  • Accessibility Working Group needs to talk with OAE developers about video accessibility.
  • Post accessibility information to other Sakai lists
    • Pedagogy
    • Documentation
    • General listserve

Questions or Comments

Type them here

Related Session

  • Come join us for our Birds of a Feather session
    • Accessibility and Innovative Design
      Wednesday 2:30-3:30pm
      Tower 1401