2012-06-12 uPortal Integration Strategies in Action
Title | uPortal Integration Strategies in Action |
Presenters | Jim Helwig (University of Wisconsin-Madison) |
Date and time (EDT) | June 12 2:30 PM |
Room | Conference Center Room 3 |
Facilitator | Conference Center Room 3 |
My UW-Madison, the uPortal-based enterprise portal at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, has used a variety of techniques to successfully integrate content from a variety of enterprise applications. Techniques include deep linking, proxying, dashboards and content aggregation. Source systems include learning management systems (Desire2Learn), human resource (PeopleSoft), student information (PeopleSoft), email and calendar (Sun/Oracle), help desk (Infra) and others. This presentation will showcase examples, describe the techniques and highlight what has been contributed back to the community.
Slides: jasigsakai12 uPortal Integration.ppt
Archived Recording: http://engage.opencastproject.org/engage/ui/watch.html?id=5f6ea34e-2434-4d30-bf5b-c0abc84dd3b8
Archived Recording: http://engage.opencastproject.org/engage/ui/watch.html?id=5f6ea34e-2434-4d30-bf5b-c0abc84dd3b8
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