2012-06-14 A Shift in Identity Protection Technology: Good or Bad News for Higher Education?


A Shift in Identity Protection Technology: Good or Bad News for Higher Education?


Andrew Showstead (VASCO Data Security)

Date and time (EDT)

June 14, 2012, 10:15 AM


Conference Center Room 3


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For decades higher education institutions have been striving to extend the reach of their identity protection solutions while trying to balance security, cost, and ease of use. With the continuous proliferation of advanced technology the user has become a key element of this paradigm. Users are demanding to learn, collaborate, work, teach and do a myriad other things over the Internet or a mobile network. The practice of "bring-your-own-device" (BYOD) is commonplace across campuses; smartphones and tables are about to outnumber PCs. This changes the role of strong authentication from just securing one standard application with one standard device to securing any application, on any platform, with the device of a user's choice. 

What does this shift mean for projects like uPortal, uMobile, Sakai, and CAS? In this presentation, we will discuss how multi-factor authentication can simplify user access and password management across campuses while adding security to a multitude of campus resources.


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