2012-06-12 The Library and Trunk: A Three-Year Tour

2012-06-12 The Library and Trunk: A Three-Year Tour


The Library and Trunk: A Three-Year Tour


Chris Strauber (Tufts University, Tisch Library)

Date and time (EDT)

June 12 3:45 PM


Conference Center Room 1


(Empty for now - What's this?)


This session will cover Tufts Libraries' involvement in selection and implementation of Sakai in 2011, including: involvement in faculty training; design of library portal page in Libguides and its integration into default templates; definition of the librarian role and modifications to it based on use; creative librarian involvement in courses; results after two semesters of the live system; plans for future development.


Supplemental Materials

Facilitating Complex Projects (overview of Trunk project by Gina Siesing, Tufts UIT)


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