2012-06-14 Authentic Assessment Using iRubric and Sakai


Authentic Assessment Using iRubric and Sakai


Martin Ramsay (LAMP Consortium)
Ramesh Sabetiashraf (Reazon Systems, Inc.)

Date and time (EDT)

June 14, 2012, 9:00 AM


Tower 1403


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Assessment is an important element in any academic endeavor. Yet assessment can prove elusive and difficult to implement and to monitor. Standardized assessments using multiple-choice tests are less effective for authentic assessment than the careful judgement of competencies provided through structured rubrics. Authentic assessment is also often difficult to integrate seamlessly into commonly-used teaching and learning processes. This presentation will focus on a solution to these challenges that has worked well for the LAMP Consortium, a group of thirteen small colleges that share a single instance of Sakai CLE. LAMP's instance of Sakai integrates iRubric into the Gradebook tool, enabling rubric-informed authentic assessment across multiple institutions directly within Sakai. Come to this presentation to see how iRubric is easily integrated into Sakai CLE and to learn how authentic assessment can be significantly improved through an integrated tool like iRubric.


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