2012-06-13 Piloting OAE in a First-Year Writing Class: Challenges and Possibilities at NYU


Piloting OAE in a First-Year Writing Class: Challenges and Possibilities at NYU


Susanna Horng (New York University)

Paige Domine (New York University)

Luke Leifeste (New York University)

Riley Rennhack (New York University)

Sarah Solomon (New York University)

Date and time (EDT)

June 13, 2012, 3:45 PM - 4:45 PM


Conference Center Room 5


(Empty for now - What's this?)


In academic year 2011-12, professor Susanna Horng participated in New York University's Sakai Open Academic Environment pilot for the portfolio-based Writing 1 and Writing 2 courses she teaches in the university's Liberal Studies Program. She and her students found that the new capabilities offered by OAE opened up both possibilities and challenges. In this session, she and a group of students will discuss their experiences, focusing in particular on the impact the environment's collaborative features and multimedia content authoring had on their coursework. The students will also reflect on the general role instructional technology plays in their academic lives and how OAE compares.


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