2012-06-13 Open Syllabus

2012-06-13 Open Syllabus


Open Syllabus


Martin Montminy (HEC Montreal)

Date and time (EDT)

June 13, 2012, 5:15 PM - 6:45 PM


Atlanta Ballroom


(Empty for now - What's this?)


Open Syllabus (OSyl) is a fully functional Sakai 2.7 contrib tool that helps instructors quickly organise their course's material to provide a coherent learning environment for students. In this tech demo, we sketch the most important features of the tool. OSyl is easy to use and provides templates to organize all the resources (files, citations, urls, etc.), assessment activities (assignment, quiz, forum, etc.) and other elements (description of the course, etc.). OSyl is an XML model-based approach to syllabi so all the information is organized and kept in a general semantic format. Simple configuration rules can be set to reflect different university practices. OSyl course websites are very flexible and can be shared, exported, printed and archived easily. Osyl now includes a simple and powerful course site manager to copy course site across semesters.


  • Document 1
  • Slides
  • Link

Embedded videos, document, slides too!


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