2012-06-13 TWSIA Award: Criminal Theory and Victimization

2012-06-13 TWSIA Award: Criminal Theory and Victimization


TWSIA Award: Criminal Theory and Victimization


Jaclyn Schildkraut (Texas State University, San Marcos)

Date and time (EDT)

June 13, 2012, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM


Peachtree Ballroom


Maggie Lynch


TWSIA Winner!

Crime Theory and Victimization, is an undergraduate Criminal Justice course taught in a face-to-face classroom environment using Sakai to enhance the student experience. This course was offered at Texas State University during the spring term of 2012 (January to May). The class supplements the main learning objectives of critical thinking and advancing writing skills through the online activities, including forum posts, article blogs, and online study groups. It encourages interaction among the students, which is an underlying strategy designed to encourage networking, a skill they will need once they graduate. The presenter will discuss student success results with the new course design and provide a demo of key course components.


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