MM - 2013 April 11 Google Hangout Summary

MM - 2013 April 11 Google Hangout Summary

Date: April 11, 2013

Topic: Matchmaking session/ Networking café

Attending: Patty, Matt, Laura, Narasi, Jim H., Jennifer, Neal

Next Hangout - Tuesday, April 16, 11 am Eastern Daylight / 3 pm GMT


* Agreed to change name to "Networking Café" (thanks to whoever came up with that)

* Reiterated that the main purpose of this event is networking, to connect people and generate ideas, not necessarily to launch or make progress on projects. There are no specific deliverables to this event.

* Dropping the Ice breaker / game idea. There will be no ice breaker game. The whole event IS an ice breaker.

* Reducing the number of pre-populated topics from 40 to 20. Allowing for more ad hoc topics, up to 15. Total tables in room will be 35.

* Publish a hard copy (and electronic?) Road Map/ room layout in advance, with the table layouts and pre-populated topics.

* Layout of tables will have the Ad hoc tables in the middle, and pre-populated topics on the outside. Each Ad Hoc table will have a sign holder, a blank card, and black marker

* Timetable of the event, 1.5 hours total, will be roughly something like this:
- 10 minutes for participants to get food and get comfortable in the space
- 10 minutes for facilitator/mc to announce structure over loudspeaker (also need the structure printed for participants in advance, along with "Road Map")
- Three 20 minute sessions.
- This gives us a few minutes leeway

- As shown in timetable, there is some time for folks to come into the space, grab some food and get oriented. Then some instructions, written and verbal (facilitator/mc). We will have printed materials to supplement.
- Possible instructions: Find a table with a topic that interests you, or create your own at the Ad Hoc tables, the ones in the middle without pre-printed topics. Write your own with the black marker provided and mount on card holder, so others can see. Gather around tables. Introduce yourselves and start your conversation. After 20 minutes we will make a loud noise (bell, gong, bullhorn, etc) and announce a reminder that you have an option to switch to a different group or table with a new topic. Switching is optional. Staying at your table is optional. It's all optional. Keep in mind you might get the most benefit by meeting people you do not yet know, so switching is encouraged. Tables, please take a moment to welcome new members with introductions. You are always free to use the "Law of the Two feet" to move to a different conversation in the room, stay where you are, or do anything else you feel like doing at any time (including getting more food, or even leaving). The purpose of this event is to meet people, share ideas, and make connections.

Possible support for the Process:
- We discussed possible ways to support the process, all of which the participants could choose to use or not use, as they see fit. We decided against Flip Charts, as they would take up too much space and not worth the cost. We are thinking about : small notebooks and writing implements, optional online wiki spaces, providing some ice breaker questions (topic related, not game related), providing a suggested flow chart for the conversation (no specific flow chart yet available to consider).

* QR codes - at a minimum use QR Codes on badges. Possibly also create QR code "business cards". We can use registration data to create vCard format that can go directly into contact managers (including on smart phones). The important things to note are that : Neal thinks he has a way to generate QR code images for free, participants have control of their own QR code data and who they wish to share it with.

* QR codes directory - group was leaning against this as too much work and not a clear benefit. A QR codes directory would be a contact list of all participants who have an interest in a topic. Each table would have a shoebox and participants could simply drop in their pre-printed QR code "business card" (we would provide a number of these cards to each participant as part of registration package). In fact, participants could put their QR biz cards into shoe boxes of topics in which they are interested but don't have time to participate within the Networking Café. Our team would have to compile these into directories. Then the directories would have to be distributed somehow so that all the folks interested in the same topic, and wanting to be contacted, can get everyone else's email addresses who feel the same.

* Objections to QR codes directory - how would someone use this list? Wouldn't it be a replication of existing email group lists that already exist for these topics? Would anyone really use them? For example, would a list owner want the list to invite interested parties (we are thinking not)? Neal suggested not making a decision on this quite yet, but to let the ideas percolate.

Needed for next meeting
* Confirm our ideas. Finalize most decisions.
* More about name tags and stickers. 3 X 4 is usual. 4 X 6 is enormous.
* More about Ad Hoc scheduling
* Assign roles for the event: Facilitator, backup facilitator (always need a backup, you never know), Concentra in charge of food and tables? Who is in charge of pre-printed topics, etc?