2013-01-10 Planning Committee Call

Planning Committee
January 10, 2013
  • Introductions
  • What is not in our scope
  • What is in our scope
  • Next steps
Attendees: (Please add your name below)
  • Jim Helwig, UW-Madison
  • Deb Smith, CONCENTRA-CMS
  • Reba-Anna Lee, Marist College
  • Matt Hertzog, Methodist College
  • Eric Goldman, Unicon
  • John Lewis, Unicon
  • Jenn Cummings, CONCENTRA-CMS
  • Dan Biondi, Sacramento State
  • Benn Oshrin, Multiple Conflicting Affiliations
  • Patty Gertz, Apereo
  • Narasi Ramachandran Univ of Florida
  • Sadie Hastings - DLIFLC
  • Martin Smith, University of Florida
IntroductionsHowdy , HI
  • Have you served on past conference committees?
  • Why did you volunteer?
  • Is there a particular aspect of the conference that you are interested in planning?
Not in Scope
Program Committee
  • Tracks
  • CFP
  • Program selection and scheduling
Apereo Staff
  • Logo
  • Liaisons(sp?)(correct) 
  • Final Theme
  • Budget
  • Keynotes, general sessions
  • Conference sponsorships
Theme suggestions:
Our Work
  • Rooms (incl. non-session rooms)
  • Daily schedule
  • Layout of spaces
  • Travel info, dining info, transportation, hotel
  • Weather info
  • hotel map
Web Presence
  • web site - apereo.org?
  • look at the web presence on sakai/jasig sites
  • wiki? - "Conference Gateway"
  • program
  • Travel info, dining info, transportation, hotel
  • Registration info
  • Pointers to the social media spaces
  • Look at opprotunities to consolidate the web presence
  • How we appear in searches - SEO!
  • Drafting messages/announcements
  • Posting announcements 
  • Assisting with web materials
  • Channels: social media, Educause, existing lists, banner ads/search engines, etc.
  • Looking at expanding the audience
  • Tracking communications
Social Media
  • Drafting a plan - IMO (jenn), need to make specific plans, choose outlets and not scatter too much. May have tried too many outlets last year.
  • Managing updates/posts/tweets of organization
  • Encouraging others to participate in spreading the word
Conference web app
  • Base on uMobile?
  • What do we want in the app?
  • Someone to plan, facilitate
  • Someone to do development
Extracurricular activities  - got good reviews last year 
  • Research activities 
  • 2012-Baseball, CNN Coca Cola, PubNGrub, run, karaoke
  • 2013 - Tours, run, Trips, USS Midway, wine tours, the zoo, wild animal park??, Sea World, Sponsored events, games, karaoke) lots of choices in SD!!
  • Family/spouse/significant other activities? 
  • Negotiate costs (varied prices for different budgets)
  • Budget? Should aim to be net zero (need temporary/up-front funds)
  • Coordinate with "vendors"
  • Schedule
  • Marketing
  • Registration + fee collection
  • Coordinate event leaders
  • Sponsorships? so should this be here? - Two options here: Sponsoring an event would definitely belong here, Overall sponsorship of conference has been added above.
  • Willing to Chair or Co-Chair = Sadie Hastings (ditto - Dan Biondi), Help = Matt Hertzog
Video transmission/archiving
Developer Challenge
  • Hackathon? Activity? Ways to get developers more involved.
Networking opportunities 
  • How does this differ from Ex Activities? Should it be put together?  Wouldn't this be more business related?? Extracurricular = not conference related (i.e., more social, less business). Networking = likely conference related.
  • More peer interaction. Set up more face time to talk with others.
  • Affinity/interest group events... ice breakers, seed questions for discussion
  • Ideas: cocktail reception first night?, Birds of feather type thing at breakfast
Next Steps
  • Deb Smith will be putting together the rooming space grid for both committees to review.
  • Keynote research?
  • Unicon Guys (john lewis and eric goldman): Look into Mobile app options
  • Ian / Patty: Discuss sponsorship program, ideas, plan, etc.
  • Gather attendence data from 2012 for planning - what kind of data here? How many attendees, total number of sessions, etc 
  • Extracurricular sub-committee formation, initial brainstrorming/planning
  • Review last year's feedback
  • Improvise feedback mechnisims for presentations has to be short and quick and get a better response rate
Chat Log

12:47 Jim Helwig: Hi folks - I am seeing a number of "unnamed" entries.
12:47 Jim Helwig: Are you able to edit your names?
12:48 Jim Helwig: (I experimented with creating this pad under a private domain - perhaps it handles names differently)
12:48 Matt Hertzog: I did...do you see my name?
12:48 Jim Helwig: yes
12:48 Jim Helwig: (twice, actually)
12:48 Matt Hertzog: awesome :-)
12:49 Matt Hertzog: twice? strange
12:51 Narasi Ramachandran: Hello Everyone
12:51 Jim Helwig: Hi!
12:51 Matt Hertzog: Howdy Narasi
12:52 Narasi Ramachandran: Unexceptionally warm greetings from FL
12:52 Matt Hertzog: bragger
12:53 Eric Goldman: I don't see Matt's name
12:53 Eric Goldman: Yikes that was Deb Smith not Eric Goldman
12:53 Narasi Ramachandran: Sad the few winter spells we get is also gone which mean more bugs to deal in spring
12:53 Matt Hertzog: is the teleconference portion going yet?
12:53 Narasi Ramachandran: is the audio supposed to work in the callifolower room?
12:53 Jim Helwig: Ah, yes, one of the wonders of titanpad. I have seen them get the names/attributions wrong before.
12:54 Matt Hertzog: I've dialed in and am on hold...lol
12:55 Jim Helwig: Audio should be working now
12:56 Matt Hertzog: Hello?
12:57 Eric Goldman: Take 2...
12:57 Deb Smith: hi
12:57 Deb Smith: hi
12:58 Matt Hertzog: hi Deb?
12:58 Deb Smith: This is Reba-Anna
12:59 Deb Smith: hi
12:59 Deb Smith: aah
13:00 unnamed: hello.
13:00 John Lewis: Who am I?
13:00 John Lewis: Yay -- I'm me!
13:00 Jenn: again
13:01 Reba-Anna: hi
13:01 Reba-Anna: hi
13:01 Matt Hertzog: I'm me I think
13:01 Reba-Anna: say anything
13:05 Narasi Ramachandran: I think there are some folks in the calliflower room who are not in the titan pad
13:09 Sadie Hastings: :-)
13:09 Sadie Hastings: Hello
13:24 Sadie Hastings: Will OAE be in focus at all for this con?
13:26 Matt Hertzog: Good question
13:27 Patty Gertz: I believe all Apereo projects are open for proposals
13:27 Matt Hertzog: would think CLE would be focus as well with the release of 2.9 several weeks ago
13:27 Sadie Hastings: certainly agreea bout CLE
13:28 Sadie Hastings: *agree
13:33 Reba-Anna: which hotel will it be at?
13:34 Dan Biondi: use apereo.org for conference web site +1
13:34 Matt Hertzog: westin I believe
13:34 Jenn: westin san diego
13:35 Sadie Hastings: Yes it is Westin
13:35 Sadie Hastings: The last two werevery nice (LA, ATL)
13:36 Reba-Anna: i think it is downtown...on broadway?
13:37 Jenn: Yes Reba, that's the one
13:37 Reba-Anna: ok, thanks
13:38 Matt Hertzog: hate to ask, but being new and all...do we get a reduction in conference cost for serving on committee?
13:39 Patty Gertz: Discounts have never been applied in the past
13:44 Jenn: Patty, has Apereo begun establishing a social media presence?
13:45 Patty Gertz: not yet
13:45 Jenn: oh boy! lots to do!!!
13:45 Patty Gertz: yeah, make me hyperventilate, why don't you?
13:45 Jenn: I am feeling a little tightness in my chest....
13:46 Jenn: Deb: Need to consider adding marketing funds to budget.
13:52 Deb Smith: No worries - great people, great plans. Will add marketing to budget.
13:56 Reba-Anna: I have to go...3 PM meeting
13:57 Jim Helwig: Thanks for coming!
14:00 Jenn: Narasi, room rates for ???
14:00 Jenn: the contract with the hotel for space and guest rooms is already done.
14:01 Patty Gertz: Great start! Thanks Jim
14:02 Matt Hertzog: will we be sharing email addresses with each other for communication?
14:02 Eric Goldman: Thanks Jim!
14:02 Sadie Hastings: I would like to chair or co-chair extra activities
14:02 Narasi Ramachandran: Thanks,
14:04 Matt Hertzog: I'd like to help with the extra activities