2013-03-21 Planning Committee Call

Planning Committee 
March 21, 2013 
Calliflower:  http://bit.ly/VnG2LM
Attendees (Please add your name below)
Jim Helwig, UW-Madison 
Reba-Anna, Marist College
Eric Goldman, Unicon
Laura McCord, UC Merced
Dan Biondi, Sac State
John Lewis, Unicon
Patty Gertz
Ian Dolphin, the person Google refuses to agree exists
Web Presence 
http://conference.apereo.org (Use this in all publicity)
http://conf2013.apereo.org/ (Just for our use as direct/persistent link to the site)
http://conf.apereo.org/ (If you need something really short...)
Crafting email/news announcement
  • We will do a soft launch of the site (i.e.g, DNS switch) as soon as Jenn is comfortable.
  • Starting tomorrow add news announcements to web sites
  • We will send out our email announcements on Monday
What needs to be done before we go live with it?
  • Registration link and teaser - yes, John will add it
  • Session teasers on home page or schedule page? Hold off for now until acceptance letters have been sent and received.
  • Highlight keynote speakers? Hold off for now.
News & Announcements http://conf2013.apereo.org/news
  • News announcement about open registration
  • Ready?
  • Still confirming fee for rSmart workshop
  • Need to confirm with Jenn on how comps will be handled.
Accomodations & Travel http://conf2013.apereo.org/travel
  • Check on parking rate
  • Session teasers? Estimated number of sessions? Over 100.
  • Ready? Will add Google+ page
  • Ready? - Yes!
Other work
  • John will update redirection of conference.apereo.org
  • John will add support contact to footer
What needs to be done shortly thereafter?
  • Add appropriate references on sakaiproject.org and jasig.org
  • Add twitter feed to conference home page; John will add to social media page
Start our email blast on Monday.
Social Events (Sadie Hastings, Dan Biondi, Eric Goldman) 
Social Media (Laura McCord) 
  • Use of Google hangouts (John, Laura and Narasi)
  • Clarification of Facebook and Google+ pages - not sure what this meant
  • Contact Laura if you want her to publicize something through her social media contacts
Logistics (Jenn, Deb) 
  • Project meeting needs
  • Hackathon room
  • Tech demo reception
Collaboration Opportunities 
  • Update from Neal's recent hangout
  • Facilitated matchmaking session, 40 tables/topics/roles, 3 15 minute rounds
  • Stickers on name tags for interests/themes
  • Badges/ribbons for roles
  • Ad hoc meetings
  • Easy method for exchanging contact information or creating mini-directories
Mobile Web App (Eric Goldman & John Lewis) 
  • Mobile web app plans and update
  • More next month
Video Transmission/Archiving 
Other Updates 
12:59 Reba-Anna: Hello everyone
13:04 Laura McCord: Hi
13:20 unnamed: its good
13:21 Patty Gertz: i think we're ready - John, how long till the DNS propogates?
13:24 Patty Gertz: Monday is safer for announcements because Jenn and Debbie won't be around till sUNDAY
13:24 Patty Gertz: +1
13:45 Reba-Anna: Sorry I am off to another meeting...
13:45 Reba-Anna: bye