2013-02-07 Planning Committee Call

Planning Committee
February 21, 2013
Calliflower:  http://bit.ly/VnG2LM
Attendees (Please add your name below)
  • Jim Helwig, UW-Madison
  • Reba-Anna Lee-- Marist College
  • Dan Biondi, Sac State
  • Jenn Cummings - CONCENTRA-CMS
  • John Lewis, Unicon
  • Patty Gertz
  • Eric Goldman
  • Laura McCord
  • ian dolphin
  • Benn Oshrin
  • Deb Smith
  • Sadie Hastings
Logistics (Jenn, Deb)
Todo: List of spaces with info (Jenn/Deb) - in progress
Todo: Conference and hotel registration links (Jenn/Deb) - in progress
Todo: List of nearby restaurants (Narasi) - in progress
Todo: Check on reception costs for non-attendees (Ian, Patty)
Site visit next week. Working with hotel on opening reservations. Registration will open up in the near future.
Ian, Patty, Alan and Jim will discuss workshops. Social even registration will open up around the same time.
Narasi has made great progress on a list of restaurants. Will add to a wiki page. Is this more logistics or social/fun stuff? What should we do with this information? In general it could go on a page like this from last year: https://wiki.jasig.org/display/JCON/Live+Like+a+Local.
Web Presence
Todo: Conference logo (Ian)  Have Apereo Logo and Design draft, but not final artwork (soon!) Do we want to have a conference logo, or use this event to promote the overall Apereo visual design? Open question, as far as I am concerned. (PS - I can share the visual design work so far with the group, providing it goes no further at this point) We will use the foundation logo as a basis for the conference logo, perhaps adding "2013" to it.
Todo: draft content for the initial web site focusing on landing page
Will be moved to a proper web site in a few weeks.
Decision: Where would these items live? They are likely to be updated more often.
  • Social Events
  • Restaurants
Google docs under apereo.org? John will research options under our google domain.
Experiment now running at above address
Jasig wiki like last year?
Drupal pages under apereo.org? Let's not wait for this.
Fun Stuff (Sadie Hastings, Dan Biondi, Eric Goldman)
Next call Tuesday for the group. A separate call with Dan, Patty and Jenn after this call.
Information will be on our website although possibly a registration widget will be there linking to EventBrite.
Mobile App (Eric Goldman & John Lewis)
Todo: Research options (uMobile, other conference-specific apps)
Looked at Guidebook ($1.7-3.5K) and sched.org (web view $99, native for extra $2K). Both were easy to set up initially but cost money.
Free or paid?
Would likely be able to import information. Effort might be the same for all options.
Perhaps an ePub, PDF version would be just as (if not more) useful. Ian will check with MattP on a lead for this.
Collaboration Opportunities
Neal Caidin hosting Google+ Hangout tomorrow.
Patty is coordinating room and time slots for collaboration.
Social Media (Laura McCord)
Video Transmission/Archiving
Todo: work with OpenCast (Ian) - still waiting on answer
Other Updates
  • Keynotes? - Are we ahead of where we were last year on these?
  • Suggestion: Tim Berglund
  • I know he seems very developery focused.
  • I was at the NoSQL 2012 Conference and saw the keynote at the link below. Definitely interesting to a broad audience and more business/society focused than really technical focused.
  • To see his creative site, check these out:
  •         Suggestion: Bryan Cantrill
  • Focused on Open Source talks
  • Heard his Anti Open Source talk, very entertaining and educational


12:57 Reba-Anna Lee: Hello Everyone!
12:57 Jim Helwig: Hello
13:07 Deb Smith: What time is the call on Tuesday for Fun Stuff
13:08 Patty Gertz: fun meeting 4:00 PM Eastern tues
13:08 Deb Smith: thanks
13:11 Sadie Hastings: anyone else have trouble gettin gon the call via Skype?
13:11 Deb Smith: Ian--I provided the Apereo logo to the hotel for the reservation link. Should I have them remove it?
13:11 Patty Gertz: Sadie, it took me 2 tries
13:11 Alan Regan: Can I get confirmation of calendar for conference? June 2 - Pre-conference Workshops, June 3-6 - Main Conference, June 7 - Developer Day?
13:12 Jenn cummings: +1 to apereo logo for conference
13:12 Reba-Anna Lee: +1
13:12 Alan Regan: +1 apereo logo
13:12 Ian Dolphin: deeb - no need, but may be replaced with higher quality subsequently
13:12 Ian Dolphin: That's *Deb* not "deeb"...
13:13 Patty Gertz: Alan, that's it, but 1/2 day Thurs main conf, 1/2 day Thurs- all day Fri developer day
13:13 Deb Smith: Alan conference schedule correct with the the note that 6/6 is half day confrence and half day other meetings, i.e. committe, Board, etc
13:15 Alan Regan: Thank you! For promotion, I see some list June 2-7, others list June 3-6. Just wanted clarity on which we should use.
13:15 Patty Gertz: because pre conf is the 2nd
13:16 John Lewis: What about a permanent "name" for the conference? Lots of conferences in this space have brand names. " Moodle Moot", "ApacheCon", "Learning Impact", "Kuali Days", etc. Might be nice to have a "name" other than "The Apereo Conference".
13:17 Jenn cummings: ^^^ +1
13:17 Jenn cummings: does apereo have a wiki yet?
13:18 Jenn cummings: or will the jasig one transfer to apereo?
13:25 Alan Regan: BRB
13:29 Jenn cummings: my 2 cents... less than $40 per person
13:29 Jenn cummings: people don't want to spend too much of their own $$$
13:34 Jenn cummings: Ian, think you could get a $3k sponsor for the mobile app?
13:48 Reba-Anna Lee: I keep getting dropped
13:48 Reba-Anna Lee: on the call
13:49 Sadie Hastings: Reba-Ann, are you on Skype? I tried many, many times to get connected on Skype and could not so ended up calling in on our landline
13:49 John Lewis: Experiment now up-and-running....
13:50 Reba-Anna Lee: on calliflower#
13:52 Alan Regan: John, was able to access the Google Site.
13:53 Alan Regan: I need to run for an event. Please verify that dates here are fine for reminder: https://wiki.jasig.org/display/JCON/2013+Conference+Message+Drafts#id-2013ConferenceMessageDrafts-FirstEarlyCFPReminder
13:53 Alan Regan: Patty, email me if the above link is good to go. Will send notice after lunch.
13:53 Patty Gertz: ian, please send me latest logo as well, for Eventbrite
13:58 Patty Gertz: could have called unconference developer dAZe
13:58 Dan Biondi: @Sadie: Can you stay on the line after the call to discuss social events in more detail?
14:01 Deb Smith: Ian--McMillan and who?
14:01 Eric Goldman: @Dan - Do you need me to stay on as well or no?
14:02 Dan Biondi: @Eric: Your option, not required :)