2013-01-30 Program Committee Call

TitanPad Notes

Program Committee Meeting
  • CFP Launch items
  • Feedback from last conference
  • Pre-conference workshops and soliciting community feedback/ideas
  • Alan Regan, Pepperdine University
  • Sadie Hastings - DLIFLC
  • Patty Gertz
  • Jenn Cummings - CONCENTRA-CMS
  • Deb Smith
  • Matt Hertzog
  • Aaron Zecdkoski (Unicon)
  • Jason Smith (Pomona College) 
  • Kelly Geng (Miami University)
  • Natalie Boivin (ACTFL)
  • Drew Wills (Unicon)
  • Laura Gekeler (Notre Dame)
  • Benn Oshrin
Track Descriptions
How  are you using Apereo software (tools? not sure what word is right here) or other software or processes in your  organization? Choose this track to share case studies, effective  practices, lessons learned, and other strategies to help your colleagues around the globe.
What have you created, improved, or dreamed up recently?  Choose this track to share development projects, design approaches, usability and  accessibility improvement plans and projects. Topics may also include  best practices in design and development approaches that could be  incorporated into software or practices in the future.
There  are many ways to share knowledge and inspire solutions, and they don't  always fit into tidy labels.  Choose this track for presentation proposals that go beyond "using" or "developing."  You're  encouraged to break the mold, think outside the box, and embrace unique  ways of opening minds to other topics.
"Tech Demo"
Tech Demonstration Night
Tech Demo Kiosk/Table
Showcase Demo Night
Tech Demo (Reception Showcase)
Tech Demo Showcase
Project Showcase 
Project Showcase Night
Tech Demonstration (Showcase Night)
Tabletop Demo
Tech Demo (Wednesday Night Reception)
** Showcase Night (Reception)
We will have to clarify somewhere that they would generally be manning thier station for two hours. Not a formal presentation.
Previous Description -- 
One evening during the conference community members will gather to eat, drink and share innovations. Please consider providing a demo of your  work and discussing it with community members in an informal setting.  The conference will provide a table and access to electricity and wifi. We unfortunately cannot provide a screen and projector for each table. If  you would like us to assist you in coordinating this with the hotel for a  fee, please note that on your submission.
Note from Aaron -- tabletop card with table number, name, and institution?  Or make clear that they bring their own sign?
Opportunities if printed through conference, could add TAGS to sign, consistent location on the table, conference logo, etc.
"Session Type" Descriptions
Track Sessions
The conference session presentations will run for 45 minutes with an open format. Presentations can be information sessions, panel discussions, or  other speaking events. For information sessions, we recommend 30 minutes for the presentation and 15 minutes reserved for audience questions and answers. We DO NOT require presentations to center on Apereo products or projects. When developing presentations, please  consider the issues, opportunities, and innovations that are most  central to best practices and/or success in technology-enabled teaching,  learning, and research.
Birds of a Feather Discussion
Please  suggest a topic for informal collaboration and discussion. There is no  need to prepare a presentation for these sessions. This is simply an  opportunity for like-minded folk to meet and share.
Tech Demonstrations Showcase Night/Reception
One evening during the conference community members will gather to eat, drink and share innovations. Please consider providing a demo of your work and discussing it with community members in an informal setting.  The conference will provide a table and access to electricity and wifi. We unfortunately cannot provide a screen and projector for each table. If you would like us to assist you in coordinating this with the hotel for a fee, please note that on your submission.  If you need additional equipment, please notify the Apereo Conference Coordinator at (need to set up email address).
[Table numbers and legend? ]
"Audience and Project/Interest Type" List
Audience: Administrator/Executive
Audience: Advocate
Audience: Developer
Audience: Faculty
Audience: Instructional Designer
Audience: Librarian
Audience: Newcomer
Audience: Other (is this needed? -AZ)
Audience: Student
Audience: Technical/Functional Manager
Audience: User Support
Community: Apereo
Community: Duraspace
Community: Kuali
Community: Internet2
Community: OpenCast
Project: 2/3/98
Project: Bedework
Project: CAS
Project: Incubator
Project: Other
Project: Portlets
Project: Sakai CLE
Project: Sakai OAE
Project: Sakai OSP
Project: Student Success Plan
Project: uMobile
Project: uPortal
Project: OpenRegistry
Project: CIFER
Project: Grouper
Project: Shibboleth
Project: Central Person Registry
Interest: Accessibility
Interest: Awareness and Advocacy
Interest: Blended/Hybrid Learning
Interest: Online/Self-Paced Learning
Interest: Getting Started
Interest: Identity and Access Management
Interest: Application Security
Interest: Federated Identity
Interest: Authorization
Interest: WebSSO
Interest: Integration
Interest: Internationalization (i18n)
Interest: Learning Analytics
Interest: Media/Multimedia
Interest: Mobility
Interest: Security
Interest: User Experience
Interest: CIFER
Interest: Grouper
Interest: Shibboleth
Interest: Central Person Registry
Interest: Duraspace
Interest: Kuali
Interest: Internet2
Homework - read feedback and bring back ideas via email
Jim received comments directly and will recirculate revised message to group.
  • Committee revises or blesses the track descriptions for Using, Developing, and Beyond
  • Committee revises or blesses the Session Type descriptions (Track Session, BoF, Showcase Night
  • Committee reviews "Audience/Project/Interest" list -- offers consolidation ideas, if necessary
  • Committee reviews last year's feedback and brings ideas to the table for improvements in final program
  • Committee gets ready to launch CFP! :)

TitanPad Chat

January 30, 2013

9:53 Alan Regan: NOTE - I am running upstairs now. Be on call shortly!

9:55 Matt Hertzog: Hi all

9:58 Sadie Hastings: Hello

10:00 Aaron Zeckoski: hiya

10:02 Kelly Geng: Hello all!

10:03 Patrick Lynch: having comms problems so maynot get into the call

10:03 Alan Regan: Sorry to hear that Patrick!

10:07 Drew Wills: I posted a small suggestion for the tracks

10:07 Sadie Hastings: still reviewing

10:07 unnamed: How are you using Apereo projects.... (added term projects) ?

10:08 Jim Helwig: (that was me)

10:09 Jenn Cummings: sorry, I lost audio for a bit.

10:10 Kelly Geng: Does deployment/operation/maintenance fall in developing?

10:11 Alan Regan: Yes, Kelly. I think it would. We can clarify...

10:13 Matt Hertzog: The tag of "Beyond" is so vague...what are you referring to here?

10:14 Deb Smith: Apereo is a foundation that umbellas a variety of software. right? Apereo is not software.

10:14 Laura Gekeler: So, in "Beyond" fits governance models; prioritization strategies, faculty instructional technology incentives...

10:14 Laura Gekeler: ?

10:18 Jenn Cummings: +1 for clarifying Tech Demo session type.

10:20 Kelly Geng: showcase night?

10:20 Deb Smith: Wine and Demo Night :-)

10:20 Laura Gekeler: Tech Demo Showcase?

10:20 Sadie Hastings: Project Showcase

10:20 Kelly Geng: tech may be misleading to some?

10:20 Laura Gekeler: Wine and Demo Exhibit?

10:20 Natalie Boivin: I like Tech Demo Showcase

10:20 Jason Smith: Make it so it is not dominated by vendors.

10:21 Laura Gekeler: oohh.

10:21 Laura Gekeler: Drink tickets....

10:21 Jim Helwig: Showcase Demo Night

10:21 Laura Gekeler: 1 ticket, then BYO.

10:21 Laura Gekeler: ;-)

10:22 Sadie Hastings: yes

10:22 Jenn Cummings: @Kelly - Good point about "tech"

10:23 Laura Gekeler: What about Jasig? Did they have tech demos?

10:23 Jim Helwig: We did

10:23 Sadie Hastings: Maybe the call for participation just needs to be marketed a bit better so we get more diverse inputs

10:23 Drew Wills: we called them "poster sessions" iirc

10:23 Jenn Cummings: @Laura, Jasig called it something else.... Kiosk Demo? Jim?

10:23 Jim Helwig: But I think removing the word "tech" would not stifle anyone from entering them

10:24 Laura Gekeler: "Kiosk" does make it more a Wed at 6pm definition...

10:24 Jim Helwig: We called them "posters" or "tech demos", maybe differed in the CFP app and program

10:25 Jim Helwig: We probably used different names. But everyone generally understood what they were.

10:26 Jim Helwig: If we removed "tech" we might get more folks to demonstrate things of a pedagogical nature.

10:26 Laura Gekeler: Good point Jim.,

10:26 Kelly Geng: adding "night" helps.

10:27 Aaron Zeckoski: night and reception together are probably the main keywords

10:27 Jim Helwig: "Showcase" is all-inclusive. "Tech" seems a bit tech focused.

10:27 Jenn Cummings: +1 JIm

10:27 Kelly Geng: +1 showcase night

10:27 Patty Gertz: +1

10:27 Jim Helwig: +1

10:28 Sadie Hastings: +1

10:28 Matt Hertzog: +1

10:31 Sadie Hastings: I think innovations is a key word in clarification

10:31 Sadie Hastings: covers a lot of territory

10:32 Alan Regan: Thx, Sadie.

10:32 Matt Hertzog: will people need to present something to be able to attend the Showcase night? Just looking at the wording may lead to some missing it because they may not have anything to share.

10:32 Sadie Hastings: I agree this is a very clear description

10:32 Matt Hertzog: just my two cents worth

10:33 Patty Gertz: The signage could be numbers and we provide a legend when you enter

10:35 Laura Gekeler: +1 Patty.

10:36 Jenn Cummings: @aaron, signage and/or program for showcase is a good idea. We'll work on it.

10:36 Sadie Hastings: +1

10:36 Aaron Zeckoski: cool

10:37 Sadie Hastings: +1 emphasis on signage

10:40 Jim Helwig: Are we going to allow them to request additional time for track sessions?

10:42 Jim Helwig: E.g., "If your session requires a longer time slot, please note your requirements and justifcation in your proposal."

10:43 Sadie Hastings: I thin kI know but can you please clarify this for me:

10:43 Sadie Hastings: How are you using Apereo or other software.."

10:44 Sadie Hastings: Apereo means all of the products under Jasig and the two under sakai correct?

10:44 Laura Gekeler: Blended/Hybrid/Online Learning ?

10:44 Sadie Hastings: UPortal, CAS, uMobile, etc...

10:44 Natalie Boivin: Are there descriptions for the audience and project/interest types, or are they meant to be self-explanatory?

10:45 Jim Helwig: I would assume the latter.

10:46 Jim Helwig: I don't think we need to limit the project list to Apereo projects, even if there would not be many proposals.

10:49 Jim Helwig: Interest: Apereo, Interest: Kuali

10:49 Jim Helwig: Community: Apereo; Community: Kuali;

10:49 Jim Helwig: Community: Internet2

10:50 Jim Helwig: Community: Duraspace

10:53 Jim Helwig: Sounds good. Non-apereo projects go to interests.

10:53 Sadie Hastings: +1

10:54 Drew Wills: sounds good

10:54 Patty Gertz: +1

10:54 Matt Hertzog: +1

10:54 Benn: OpenRegistry is Apereo

10:54 Jim Helwig: When we convert these to tags that will appear in the program, we can remove all the prefixes.

10:55 Kelly Geng: sounds good to me

10:55 Jim Helwig: @Benn - maybe voted off the island?

10:55 Benn: +1 to that. we can keep I&AM and maybe SSO (because of CAS)

10:55 Benn: @JimH we keep trying :)

10:56 Jenn Cummings: +1+1+1+1 to consolidation! :o)

10:56 Kelly Geng: Self-Paced Learning and Online Learning kindof overlap too

11:00 Laura Gekeler: Gotta run to another meeting now at the top of the hour. See you all later!

11:01 Jim Helwig: Let's use the list as-is and look at further trimming once we see what we get in.

11:01 Jim Helwig: We could trim or consolidate tags that have few presentations.

11:02 Bill Thompson: gotta run

11:02 Drew Wills: thanks

11:02 Jim Helwig: I did not review the comments. :-(

11:02 Sadie Hastings: I am still reviewing as well

11:06 Sadie Hastings: agree

11:06 Sadie Hastings: That is a major areas that was different for me in coming from the bb Con

11:07 Sadie Hastings: Workshops and somehow encourage more presentations of that type

11:07 Sadie Hastings: end user

11:07 Sadie Hastings: :-)

11:08 Sadie Hastings: end user as in faculty in this case

11:08 Sadie Hastings: ok, have a great day. Thank you!

11:08 Sadie Hastings: im going to try to get my homework knocked out today

11:08 Aaron Zeckoski: thanks all

11:09 Kelly Geng: see u next week!

11:09 Sadie Hastings: bye, thank you