2013-01-24 Planning Committee Call

Planning Committee
January 24, 2013
  • Administrivia
  • Logistics
  • Collaboration Opportunities
  • Web Presence
  • Marketing
  • Social Media
  • Mobile App
  • Video Transmission/Archiving
  • Fun Stuff (Sadie Hastings, Dan Biondi)
  • Other Updates
  • Next Steps
Attendees (Please add your name below)
  • Jim Helwig, UW-Madison
  • Laura McCord
  • Ian Dolphin
  • Jenn Cummings
  • Matt Hertzog
  • John Lewis
  • Eric Goldman
  • Patty Gertz
  • Narasi
  • Dan Biondi
  • Benn Oshrin
  • Sadie Hastings - DLIFLC
Each call we can run down the list of planning areas for quick updates but focusing on any discussion that needs to occur.
Still looking for "leads" in most of these areas!
Logistics (Jenn, Deb)
Jenn and Deb are working on a list of spaces. They will have a spreadsheet with capacities, etc. This year's space is more contiguous. There are two levels: conference level with most of the space. There will be four breakouts in the lobby level.
Jenn is working on the hotel registration link as well as ground transportation. She is also collecting information about the immediate surroundings.
Narasi -  sure I can help pick a few though I am from FL (google and trip advisor can help)
What about reception tickets for families? Would these need to be at actual cost or subsidized? Will be addressed by Ian, Patty and Concentra.
Collaboration Opportunities 
Innovative ways to get people together. 
Break down into areas of interest: development, documentation, support, 
Receptions: Monday (welcome) and Wedensday (product showcase)
Tuesday is focused on social activities in the evening.
Stickers/ribbons (words and/or logos) for expressing areas of interest.
Need space before, during and after. Is Saturday available? The Sakai CLE/TCC is interested in all day Sat, Thur PM, all Fri. Need to access from projects whether they need a dedicated room or shared space.
Project time during conference: dedicated hack-a-hon room? Specified project collaboration time slot (e.g., Tuesday 1-3 project collab time). That will really encourage additional collaboration. Patty will poll projects for their needs.
Web Presence
Look at using apereo.org. There will be an effort at re-developing the site over the next month. The CFP may go out late next week. Ian will look into the possibility of having something in place in time for the CFP. 
Announcements will go on all sites but the conference site will be on apereo.org.
Staff is currently looking at Apereo branding. Conference branding will follow. 
We need to make sure we market the conference taking the existing Jasig and Sakai brands, mindshares into account. Factor projects into the marketing as well. 
Need to identify how the call is pushed out.
  • web sites - need to identify staff
  • mailing lists - need to identify senders - emph. on expanding international lists
  • social media outlets
  • EDUCAUSE listed as event
  • Banner/search ads
Social Media (Laura McCord)
  • Conference Wiki "Gateway"
  • Social media "identity" - has Apereo established org accounts for Twitter, etc?
  • Facebook, yes - others in progress
  • Twitter - maybe preplan tweets? + ensure timed retweets to cover multiple timezones (like, use our global network ...)
  • Facebook
  • Social Media as marketing tool vs. using tools during conference to enhance experience 
Mobile App (Eric Goldman & John Lewis)
Using uMobile does involve some shoehorning and would need to identify a new resource to implement it. It would be a nice demonstration of our product, if it worked well.
Is there a different platform that would be easier to implement and/or more useful? Guidebook (http://guidebook.com/)? Costs? Sponsorship?
Video Transmission/Archiving
Ian is talking to OpenCast
Fun Stuff (Sadie Hastings, Dan Biondi, Eric Goldman)
  • Gas lamp district bar crawl
  • May consider using EventBrite to handle extracurricular registration
  • SeaWorld
  • Zoo
  • Battleship tours
  • Padres game? (out of town) (bummer)
  • Legoland
  • Coronado island / Hotel Coronado tour
Other Updates
CFP may go out next week.
Next Steps
  • Patty will contact project groups to access sat/thur/fri space requirements
  • Sadie, Dan, Eric, + ? to connect over the next week to start on the fun stuff/social activities
  • Patty will poll projects for their needs.

Chat log

12:58 Matt Hertzog: howdy
12:58 Matt Hertzog: what number are we using to dial in? One from last meeting?
13:01 Matt Hertzog: does the call sound ok to everyone? Sounds garbled for me
13:01 Jenn Cummings: Matt, I used my local number which you could use too. 303.330.0974
13:02 Ian Dolphin: looks ok to me
13:02 Matt Hertzog: thanks Jenn
13:02 Eric Goldman: Hello...
13:04 Matt Hertzog: hi eric
13:07 Sadie Hastings: Hi I am here but not on phone yet. On another con call that has gone long
13:08 Dan Biondi: @Sadie: would you send me your contact info to biondid@csus.edu?
13:09 Matt Hertzog: nope...never been there
13:09 Sadie Hastings: @Dan, certainly. :-)
13:10 Dan Biondi: thanks!
13:10 Laura McCord: sounds like a good idea
13:17 Matt Hertzog: I agree!!!
13:18 Sadie Hastings: I think that is great
13:31 Sadie Hastings: How do I see our titanpad from last call?
13:33 Dan Biondi: +1 using apereo.org
13:35 Sadie Hastings: I was on phone but call dropped a bit ago
13:38 Matt Hertzog: yep
13:46 Sadie Hastings: Which group does registration and surrounding details fall under? Logistics or?
13:47 Alan Regan: Are there open-source lists that might be appropriate? (Apache, O'Reilly, etc.)
13:48 Dan Biondi: @Sadie: this one. Jenn (on call) & Debbie at Concentra handle most of the reg details
13:50 Alan Regan: Will tag be apereo13?
13:51 Jenn Cummings: @Sadie: What do you mean by "registration?"
13:53 Sadie Hastings: @Jenn: The online portion as far as initial registration and collection of moneyand then the registration actual table and handing out materials.
13:59 Jenn Cummings: Sadie, all of those tasks fall into my job jar.
13:59 Jenn Cummings: :)
14:02 Sadie Hastings: Sorry but I have to go...going away Luncheon for coworker that I am coordinating. :-)
14:02 Sadie Hastings: Talk to you soon!
14:02 Laura McCord: thanks!