2009-04-27 Conference Call
2009-04-27 Conference Call
Time: Monday, April 27, 2009 @ 10:30 am EDT
Conference Bridge: 218-486-7200 #167964
- Review old Action Items
- Proposed Governance Change, requires 2/3 vote
- CASifying Outlook Web Access issue
- CASShib
- RFCs (generally deferred until next community call)
- Eric's login page modifications
- High level vision
- Jasig Board update
- Should we do anything with Mark Rank's poll?
- Denver Conference Case Studies (Virginia Tech, Dartmouth Overview and Details)
- Can't vote on Proposed Governance Change because insufficient steering committee members on the call. Will try for e-mail vote.
- Steering committee member should be expected to participate in most steering committee meetings.
- Elections to kick off around beginning of June, along with other Jasig elections. We should try to have our governance change in place before then.
- Reviewed old action items.
- Since next call would originally be scheduled for Memorial Day, it will instead happen on Tuesday, May 26 at 10am.
- Pending conversations with Andrew, CASifying Outlook Web Access should at least be hidden from public view.
- CASShib discussion deferred to community call
- All six proposals are more or less RFCs, except CASShib what should be invited to enter the RFC process
- Lotus Domino needs to be posted to cas-dev
- ClearPass need more conversation with Unicon/Sacramento about design/support
- Need to contact HTTP Form Connector and Multi-LDAP Authentication Handler to see if still interested
- .Net needs to be formally posted to cas-dev
- CASShib should be asked if they want to enter RFC
- login page looks nice, will be useful for distribution
- We should work with the uportal steering committee to come up with a list of marketing materials and templates via the next Jasig marketing call, May 14 at noon. For now will do nothing with the poll or case studies.
Action Items
- Scott: Send e-mail requesting vote on Proposed Governance Change
- Benn: Draft update to Proposed Governance Change reflecting participation requirements
- Scott: Pull together public timeline for CAS 4
- Scott: Hide CASifying Outlook Web Access from public view
- All: Come up to speed on RFCs, including CASShib, and discuss on community call and cas-dev
- Scott: Invite Andrew Petro/John Lewis to join the next community call, as well as others from the RFC list
- Scott: Ask LSU and other institutions with potential submissions if they're still interested in the RFC process
- Scott: Update wiki and webpage to better clarify official vs unofficial clients
- Eric: Convert login page to HTML for distribution
- Benn: Schedule call with Andrew Petro to follow up on CASifying Outlook Web Access
- Benn: Post ClearPass to cas-dev
- Benn: Schedule next community call to discuss RFC items, steering committee updates
- Scott: Provide analysis on ClearPass (Pending finding someone to own it)
- Benn: Draft end of support statement for CAS 3 in wiki for steering committee to review, then present to CAS list/community
- Benn: Draft mission statement/high level vision
- Scott: Feature set/Supported Platforms
- Eric: Feature set/Support Third Party Apps