2009-04-27 Conference Call

2009-04-27 Conference Call


Time: Monday, April 27, 2009 @ 10:30 am EDT
Conference Bridge: 218-486-7200 #167964




  1. Review old Action Items
  2. Proposed Governance Change, requires 2/3 vote
  3. CASifying Outlook Web Access issue
  4. CASShib
  5. RFCs (generally deferred until next community call)
  6. Eric's login page modifications
  7. High level vision
    1. Jasig Board update
    2. Should we do anything with Mark Rank's poll?
    3. Denver Conference Case Studies (Virginia Tech, Dartmouth Overview and Details)


  1. Can't vote on Proposed Governance Change because insufficient steering committee members on the call. Will try for e-mail vote.
  2. Steering committee member should be expected to participate in most steering committee meetings.
  3. Elections to kick off around beginning of June, along with other Jasig elections. We should try to have our governance change in place before then.
  4. Reviewed old action items.
  5. Since next call would originally be scheduled for Memorial Day, it will instead happen on Tuesday, May 26 at 10am.
  6. Pending conversations with Andrew, CASifying Outlook Web Access should at least be hidden from public view.
  7. CASShib discussion deferred to community call
  8. All six proposals are more or less RFCs, except CASShib what should be invited to enter the RFC process
    1. Lotus Domino needs to be posted to cas-dev
    2. ClearPass need more conversation with Unicon/Sacramento about design/support
    3. Need to contact HTTP Form Connector and Multi-LDAP Authentication Handler to see if still interested
    4. .Net needs to be formally posted to cas-dev
    5. CASShib should be asked if they want to enter RFC
  9. login page looks nice, will be useful for distribution
  10. We should work with the uportal steering committee to come up with a list of marketing materials and templates via the next Jasig marketing call, May 14 at noon. For now will do nothing with the poll or case studies.

Action Items

  • Scott: Send e-mail requesting vote on Proposed Governance Change
  • Benn: Draft update to Proposed Governance Change reflecting participation requirements
  • Scott: Pull together public timeline for CAS 4
  • Scott: Hide CASifying Outlook Web Access from public view
  • All: Come up to speed on RFCs, including CASShib, and discuss on community call and cas-dev
  • Scott: Invite Andrew Petro/John Lewis to join the next community call, as well as others from the RFC list
  • Scott: Ask LSU and other institutions with potential submissions if they're still interested in the RFC process
  • Scott: Update wiki and webpage to better clarify official vs unofficial clients
  • Eric: Convert login page to HTML for distribution


  • Benn: Schedule call with Andrew Petro to follow up on CASifying Outlook Web Access
  • Benn: Post ClearPass to cas-dev
  • Benn: Schedule next community call to discuss RFC items, steering committee updates
  • Scott: Provide analysis on ClearPass (Pending finding someone to own it)
  • Benn: Draft end of support statement for CAS 3 in wiki for steering committee to review, then present to CAS list/community
  • Benn: Draft mission statement/high level vision
  • Scott: Feature set/Supported Platforms
  • Eric: Feature set/Support Third Party Apps