Proposed Governance Change

Proposed Governance Change

It is proposed that the text governing Elected Members to the CAS Steering Committee be changed as follows:

In addition to the appointed members the committee shall consist of three (3) elected members from the CAS community, as voted by the JASIG membership. An elected member may serve up to 3 consecutive full length terms and then must stand down, but may subsequently run again. No organization may hold more than one elected position. While the JASIG membership votes, elected members need not be from within the JASIG membership. An elected member may be anyone from within the CAS community.

In the event a committee member misses three consecutive meetings of the steering committee or four meetings of the steering committee within any 12 consecutive months, that member is subject to dismissal by way of a simple majority vote of the remaining members of the committee. A new representative shall then be elected or appointed accordingly.