2011-07-26 Steering Committee Call

2011-07-26 Steering Committee Call

This is the normal June meeting.


6/28/11 noon Eastern. Using Jasig Calliflower account. All steerers received individual invites.



  • Scott Battaglia
  • Andrew Petro
  • Marvin Addison
  • Susan Bramhall


  • Bill Thompson


  • Development update
  • Status of unblocking tactical progress towards CAS 3.5
  • SPNEGO maintainer status
  • Roadmap
  • Plan for GitHub migration


On target for 3.4.9 release this week.

Announcement for 3.2.2 Java CAS client forthcoming from Scott. (Released last week.)

GitHub 3.x migration would be part of repository moves, https://issues.jasig.org/browse/CAS-997. Communication of source repo changes is important. Scott will own drafting steps for repo migration in any case, but may delegate for implementation. Release of 3.4.9 is only blocker to repo changes, and subsequent 3.5 development.

Andrew will start thread on cas-dev for desirable features for 3.5. Improvements to service management are a likely candidate, and some features from CAS4 roadmap may be able to be included.

Regarding SAML2 features on CAS roadmap, need to distill use cases on CAS wiki. The use cases can be discerned from developer research, community input (e.g. cas-user), and other reasonable sources. Once the use cases are listed, we will propose them to the cas-dev list for action. Bill will own the use case document as part of roadmap task, https://issues.jasig.org/browse/CASST-7.

We discussed API changes happening sooner than later, and the committee agreed in general that it could be beneficial for the project. Details of features, scope, and versioning will be discussed further on cas-dev.

SPNEGO maintainer mentioned adding contribution text to Jasig Web site, and steering committee agreed this was acceptable, but Jasig Board needs to approve. Marvin will forward request to board for approval. Scott noted that logos have not historically been allowed, but text has a precedent.