UVM CAS Shib Informal Poll

UVM CAS Shib Informal Poll

Mailing list archiving seems not to have been in effect when this message was sent.

Date: Fri, 27 Feb 2009 10:35:18 -0600 (CST)
From: Mark John Rank
Subject: Re: [cas-user] Poll - Institutions that have CAS and Shibboleth -
 Results Summary


A little over a week ago, I posed the following polling questions
to the list.  I received 11 responses for which I am grateful.  
Of these, I was able to compile 9 responses to the individual 
questions.  A summary of the responses follows:

1) In response to "Organization currently supports both CAS and Shib."

All 9 responded yes which stands to reason given the population
and the structure of the question.

2) In response to "Organization has stopped new CAS deployments in favor of
direct Shib connections to SP going forward."

All 9 responded no with one organization indicating that it was planned 
if their Shib deployment gained enough traction.  

3) In response to "Organization only has Shib to support external federation and
uses CAS for everything internal to the organization."

3 Yes, 6 No

4) In response to "Organization has CASified a Shib IdP."

6 Yes, 3 No

Based on eye ball, there was not a strong correlation between responses 
to questions 3 and 4.

If other organizations would like to respond, I would would welcome more data


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark John Rank"
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2009 12:38:24 PM GMT -06:00 US/Canada Central
Subject: [cas-user] Poll - Institutions that have CAS and Shibboleth

During an architecture discussion recently, the question of
how many organizations have CAS and Shib co-existing in
one form or another came up. So, if folks are so inclined to respond
to the following couple of questions, it would be much appreciated.

1) Organization currently supports both CAS and Shib. (y/n)

2) Organization has stopped new CAS deployments in favor of
direct Shib connections to SP going forward. (y/n)

3) Organization only has Shib to support external federation and
uses CAS for everything internal to the organization. (y/n)

4) Organization has CASified a Shib IdP.  (y/n)

Please respond directly and I will post a summary if there is interest.

Thanks in advance,

Mark Rank, Technical Analyst
University Information Technology Services 
E-Mail: rankm       
Phn:  414-229-3706     