2009-03 (Conference)

2009-03 (Conference)


Time: Monday, March 23, 2009 @ 10:30 am EDT
Conference Bridge: 218-486-7200 #167964




  1. Review old Action Items
  2. What to do about the Outlook web app documentation
  3. What to do with ClearPass
  4. EOL of CAS 3
  5. Unicon Cooperative Support
  6. SAML support in Java Client (Shib cross interest)
  7. Fluid collaboration
  8. Possible Contrib: Lotus Domino support
  9. Discuss high level vision
    1. CAS "info sheet"
    2. Positioning statement, vs I2 middleware, Sun, Oracle, etc


  1. List of offered contrib/clients includes
    1. .NET Client (Princeton, Virginia Tech)
    2. HTTP Form Connector (Martin Daur)
    3. Multi-LDAP (Université de Toulouse)
    4. Lotus Domino (LSU)
    5. ClearPass (Unicon, Sacramento State)
  2. After some confusing discussion around CASifying Outlook Web Access, it became clear that we should follow up with Andrew
  3. ClearPass
    1. The next step according to the RFC Process is to open discussion on cas-dev
    2. There was some discussion about who would "support" ClearPass and whether or not it should be more than contrib
  4. CAS 3 will remain supported for one year following the release of CAS 4
    1. Support probably means security and major bug fixes
    2. uPortal provide support for the current and prior releases, which works out to approximately one year
  5. Unicon has no CAS committers (unlike for uPortal), and will need to follow standard procedures to get commit access should they desire it for their new Cooperative Support for CAS
  6. Shib folks are (still) interested in there being a Jasig Java SAML client
  7. Fluid is interested in us being interested in them
  8. High level vision tabled to special call, tentatively set for 4/6 at 10:30
  9. Jonathan needs CAS info for an IBM briefing on Jasig
  10. Elections in July, nominations in June, new electees take seat in September
    1. Proposed change that SC may serve up to 3 consecutive full length terms and then must stand down, would require 2/3 vote

Action Items

  • Benn: Create a wiki page to track what's where in the RFC process
  • Benn: Schedule call with Andrew Petro to follow up on CASifying Outlook Web Access
  • Benn: Post ClearPass to cas-dev
  • Benn: Schedule next community call to discuss RFC items, steering committee updates
  • Scott: Provide analysis on ClearPass
  • Scott: Call John Lewis with respect to Unicon/Sacramento State support for ClearPass (tick)
  • Benn: Draft end of support statement for CAS 3 in wiki for steering committee to review, then present to CAS list/community
  • Scott: Provide Jonathan with some stats about CAS for an upcoming presentation (tick)
  • Scott: Ping jasig-ue list for advice on CAS login page (tick)
  • Eric: Look at login page draft conversion from table based layout to CSS
  • Benn: Draft SC term change


  • Scott: Poke around to see if anyone is interested in the subgroup lead positions, and/or in maintaining CAS 3.x
  • Scott: Sort roadmap items into the groups identified in the agenda and find leads for each
  • New Working Groups: Begin requirements gathering and prioritize decision
  • ?: Propose clear text password feature as test of new development process