2009-11-23 Conference Call

2009-11-23 Conference Call


Time: Monday, November 23 @ 10:30 am Eastern (9:30 am Central)
Conference Bridge: (641)715-3200 640123#
Attendees: Andrew Petro (until just before 11am Eastern only, at which time Andrew will have to drop off for another call)
Note Taker: Marvin


  1. Roll Call; Choose Note Taker
  2. Review Old Action Items:
  3. Volunteer Positions
  4. Review Community Call
  5. Releases
  6. Identifying other Clients to bring under the Jasig umbrella
  7. CAS participation in exciting Jasig social networking, social media initiatives


Andrew mentioned that the CAS YouTube video/screencast produced by Unicon had received a number of hits and suggested that other similar efforts might be worthwhile.

We discussed the strategy to develop a presence on social networking sites including Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and possibly other sites. There was some debate about the best way to approach organizing Jasig and its constituent projects on the sites. Scott seemed concerned about straining personnel resources with each project having its own presence, while Jonathan suggested it was worthwhile to have the variety such that users could focus on narrow areas of interest.

Andrew broached CAS4 development status. Scott committed to draft some architecture and API documents by December 18. Scott suggested that Marvin review SAML spec and OpenSAML API in particular.

Scott provided an overview of the status of ClearPass as it relates to both the CAS and uPortal projects. Scott noted it would be helpful to have documentation to guide integration of ClearPass into portlets.

We returned to the topic of social networking presence, and Scott suggested using tools provided by the sites to automate distribution of content from one project to another. He felt this would reduce effort but produce the organization that Jonathan wanted. Jonathan agreed this would be ideal.

We discussed periodic (e.g. quarterly, semi-yearly) webinars that could supplement community calls. We noted that these would require significant preparation. Scott suggested a screencast of CAS4 UI features once it matures.

Scott inquired about the focus and efforts of the Jasig marketing group with regard to branding as it relates to social networking presence.

Jonathan mentioned that the Jasig Web content management system now supports entering meta keywords and he had populated these attributes on some pages. Marvin suggested we populate the description meta tag as well.

Scott mentioned soliciting CAS clients that might be promoted to "official" clients supported by Jasig. Eric noted that we might want to have a core set of features that a client would need to become a candidate. Marvin noted some problems with existing client projects with regard to development and release practices. Jonathan noted it may be helpful to have a client release manager to encourage the process. Some lively discussion continued about how to organize client development projects. We discussed formal release processes for both server and client projects such that we can cultivate backup personnel to continue development should primary become unavailable or unable.

Action Items

  1. Scott will produce API/architecture documentation for CAS4 by Dec 18.
  2. Lead developers of each project will produce documentation for release procedures.